Divertida-Mente 2 (Inside Out 2)

Divertida-Mente 2 (Inside Out 2) 2024


Na mente de Riley, recém-chegada à adolescência, o Quartel General é alvo de uma demolição súbita para dar espaço a algo totalmente inesperado: novas Emoções! A Alegria, a Tristeza, a Raiva, o Medo e a Repulsa, que têm feito, sem dúvida, uma boa gestão, não sabem como reagir à chegada da Ansiedade. E parece que ela não veio sozinha.


Arcadian – Invasão Sombria

Arcadian – Invasão Sombria 2024


Num futuro próximo, a vida normal na Terra foi dizimada. Paul e os seus dois filhos, Thomas e Joseph, têm vivido uma meia-vida - tranquilidade durante o dia e tormento durante a noite. Quando o sol se põe, criaturas ferozes da noite despertam e consomem todas as almas vivas no seu caminho. Um dia, Thomas não regressa a casa a tempo, obrigando Paul a arriscar a sua vida e deixar a segurança da sua quinta fortificada. De volta a casa, Joseph está assustado e completamente sozinho para se defender contra o ataque noturno. Sozinhos, Thomas e Joseph usam a sua coragem, engenho e tudo o que o pai lhes ensinou para sobreviverem.


Beau Tem Medo

Beau Tem Medo 2023


Beau Wassermann vive sozinho num complexo de apartamentos no centro da cidade, onde cada instante é um pesadelo. Propenso à ansiedade e à paranoia, visita o seu terapeuta de longa data, que o prepara para a viagem iminente que vai fazer para visitar a mãe. Mas a confusão instala-se na véspera da partida de Beau, dando à sua vida um rumo surrealista. Incapaz de alcançar o seu destino num mundo enlouquecido, viajando por estradas que não aparecem em nenhum mapa, Beau é levado a confrontar a sua própria vida e as mentiras que lhe foram contadas por aqueles que lhe são mais próximos.


Um Presente do Passado

Um Presente do Passado 2015


Um casal em crise tem que juntar forças quando um amigo do passado aparece novamente em suas vidas com uma revelação que pode ameaçar a todos.


Efeitos Secundários

Efeitos Secundários 2013


A trama gira em torno da jovem Emily Hawkins (Rooney Mara), que acaba de ver o marido (Channing Tatum) ser libertado da prisão por um crime de colarinho branco. Mesmo aliviada, Emily tem crises de depressão e busca a ajuda de medicamentos prescritos para conter a ansiedade. Ela também busca amparo num tratamento psicológico, lidando com profissionais (Jude Law e Catherine Zeta-Jones). O tratamento, por mais que comece de forma positiva, vai gerar consequências inesperadas na vida da jovem.


The Spider Within: A Spider-Verse Story

The Spider Within: A Spider-Verse Story 2023


Miles Morales sofre um ataque de pânico que o obriga a confrontar as manifestações da sua ansiedade e a aprender que pedir ajuda pode ser um ato tão corajoso como proteger a sua cidade do mal.


O Natal dos Coopers

O Natal dos Coopers 2015


Na véspera de Ano Novo, a grande família Cooper se reúne, incluindo diversos namorados e maridos. Mas as confusões, surpresas e chegadas inesperadas fazem da noite uma verdadeira bagunça, testando o espírito familiar de cada um deles.


Querida, Alice

Querida, Alice 2022


Uma jovem mulher presa em um relacionamento abusivo se torna uma participante involuntária de uma intervenção encenada pelas duas amigas mais próximas dela.


Lover of the Palace

Lover of the Palace 2020


Working as a tour guide at Deoksugung Palace, Bo Ram has settled quite comfortably into her life. With good friends and a job she enjoys, Bo Ram has everything she needs to be happy. With absolutely no need to go looking for anything more in life, Bo Ram is caught completely off-guard, the day she meets Dong Gil. A childhood friend and former classmate, Dong Gil had been one of Bo Ram‘s best friends, growing up. A friend who was there whenever she needed him, and she for him, Bo Ram had treasured their friendship. But as time passed, they faded out of each other’s lives. Now nothing more than a happy memory, Dong Gil was the last person Bo Ram ever expected to meet again. And yet, there he was. A performer at the Palace, Dong Gil is back in Bo Ram’s life and this time he seems interested in being more than just friends.


The Vision of Escaflowne

The Vision of Escaflowne 1996


High school student Hitomi is transported from Earth to the magical world of Gaea, where she meets boy prince Van Fanel, and is caught up in his quest to unite the countries of Gaea against the ominous Zaibach empire. On the way, she discovers an hidden ability and strives to unravel layers of mystery surrounding Van, his past, and the giant machine known as Escaflowne.


The Wilds

The Wilds 2020


A group of teen girls from different backgrounds must fight for survival after a plane crash strands them on a deserted island. The castaways both clash and bond as they learn more about each other, the secrets they keep, and the traumas they've all endured. But there’s just one twist… these girls did not end up on this island by accident.


Young Royals

Young Royals 2021


Prince Wilhelm adjusts to life at his prestigious new boarding school, Hillerska, but following his heart proves more challenging than anticipated.


The Responder

The Responder 2022


Under pressure, fraying at the edges. In relentless night-time Liverpool, copper Chris is paired with a rookie. Will they save or destroy each other?


Play It Cool, Guys

Play It Cool, Guys 2023


The drama follows the lives of four individuals who are known for their clumsiness. Despite their various struggles, anxieties, and desires for approval, they somehow manage to maintain a cool and composed demeanor in their everyday lives.


Headspace Guide to Meditation

Headspace Guide to Meditation 2021


The series shows how meditation can help in your daily life. From tackling stress to embracing gratitude, each episode first teaches the basics and techniques of the practice, and then concludes with a guided meditation. Push play, close your eyes, and explore the many benefits of meditation.


Who's By Your Side

Who's By Your Side 2021


Directed by Peter Ho, the ten-part show with 60-minute episodes, explores relationship issues and marital challenges, and depicts painful dilemmas for the characters through a unique lens on their daily lives. The screenplay is by Ho and Chiang Yu-Chu.


Happy Merry Ending

Happy Merry Ending 2023


Seung Jun has been a wedding singer for many years and has become bored with this job. He no longer has any illusions about the romance people yearn for through these ceremonies. One day, he meets Jae Hyun, who is also working at the wedding as a host, and the lively and charming guy in front of him is his ideal type! As the two of them get closer and closer each wedding, the introductory notes of love are starting to play out between them…



Obsessed 2009


"Obsessed" offers an honest and unflinching look at a difficult subject: extreme anxiety disorders. It explores the world of individuals suffering from such mental illnesses as obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and hoarding, as well as the effects their illness has on their family and friends. Each participant undergoes a form of cognitive behavioral therapy that exposes the sources of their fears in an attempt to manage them.


Ghost Tales

Ghost Tales 2022


A genre-jumping anthology series wherein individuals communicate with the dead.


Pieces of Powder

Pieces of Powder 2024


Pieces of Powder is an independently produced animated series. Follow the story of Powder, a teenage girl who deals with a variety of insecurities and anxieties that significantly impact her relationships. When she meets Marcy, a dynamic force that unexpectedly complements her, Powder's high school journey takes a drastic turn. As their bond deepens, Powder finds herself confronted with long-buried issues and struggles she has evaded for far too long, and goes on a journey to learn how to accept everything about herself, the good, and the bad.