Amor, Estúpido e Louco

Amor, Estúpido e Louco 2011


A vida de um homem de meia idade muda drasticamente quando a mulher lhe pede o divórcio. Vai então procurar redescobrir a sua masculinidade com a ajuda de Jacob, um amigo recente, que o vai ensinar a engatar mulheres em bares.


O Diário De Um Banana 2: As Regras De Rodrick

O Diário De Um Banana 2: As Regras De Rodrick 2011


Greg inicia o ano letivo com a mesma confiança, as mesmas amizades e de olho em Holly Hills, a rapariga que acaba de chegar à cidade. No entanto, em casa, Greg continua a entrar em conflito com o irmão Rodrick, o que faz com que os pais de ambos lhes de ambos os castiguem da pior forma possível: obrigando os dois a passar mais tempo juntos.


Diário de um Banana

Diário de um Banana 2010


Greg tem 13 anos de idade e sofre do mesmo problema que a maioria dos miúdos: não é popular na escola. Por isso mesmo Greg tem a certeza de que a escola é a coisa mais idiota que existe. E toda essa rotina palerma a que o obrigam é registada num diário.


Professora Baldas

Professora Baldas 2011


Elizabeth Halsey é uma professora que não dá negas. É desbocada, cruel e imprópria. Bebe, fuma e não vê a hora de casar com o seu noivo, de modo a poder deixar de trabalhar. No entanto, quando este termina a relação, o objectivo de Elizabeth passa a ser conquistar o novo professor substituto, o bonito e rico Scott Delacorte. Com o que ela não contava era com a concorrência da sua colega Amy e com as constantes investidas do professor de ginástica Russell. Determinada a ter sucesso, os esquemas de Elizabeth vão chocar todos: alunos, colegas... e até ela própria.


Fora de Mim

Fora de Mim 2024


Melody Brooks, uma aluna do sexto ano com paralisia cerebral, tem raciocínio rápido e uma mente astuta, mas, como não fala e usa uma cadeira de rodas, não tem as mesmas oportunidades que os seus colegas de turma. Quando uma jovem educadora repara no potencial inexplorado de Melody e esta começa a ter aulas no ensino regular, Melody mostra que o que tem a dizer é mais importante do que a maneira como o diz.


O Diário de um Banana

O Diário de um Banana 2021


As hilariantes e desastrosas desventuras do esquelético, mas ambicioso Greg Heffley, nas suas peripécias para percorrer uma das experiências mais assustadoras da vida: o 2.º ciclo. Greg faz tudo o que pode para sobreviver à sua existência pós-ensino básico ao lado dos brutamontes e raparigas pré-adolescentes que enchem os corredores, mas continua a sentir-se invisível. Quando a sua tentativa para se "integrar" dá para o torto, Greg depressa aprende a dar valor ao verdadeiro significado de amizade.



Confessions 2010


O tema deste filme é a violência juvenil, suas tristes raízes e terríveis consequências. A personagem principal é a professora Moriguchi, que está saindo da escola. Em seu último dia, confessa aos alunos de sua classe que sua filha de 4 anos, Manami, não morreu acidentalmente, como concluiu a investigação policial. Ela foi assassinada por alunos de sua classe, aos quais passa a chamar de "aluno A" e "aluno B". Apesar de não citar seus nomes, a descrição das características e feitos de cada um revela suas identidades. O motivo que os levou a isso, bem como o envolvimento de parentes e amigos, são narrados sob a forma de confissões de 6 pessoas, tais como peças de um puzzle.


Oitavo Ano

Oitavo Ano 2018


Apesar do seu isolamento social e dos receios do secundário, uma tímida adolescente consegue encontrar otimismo para ultrapassar a última semana do ensino básico.


Escola: os Piores Anos da Minha Vida

Escola: os Piores Anos da Minha Vida 2016


Um tranquilo artista adolescente Rafe Katchadorian tem uma imaginação fértil mas uma doença a meio do ano letivo faz com com não cumpra com as obrigações a que se tinha comprometido. Devido à abrupta interrupção, Rafe e o seu melhor amigo Leo vêem-se com um plano: quebrar todas as regras do livro escolar e, como é de esperar, a desordem fica instalada.


Os Exploradores

Os Exploradores 1985


Os sonhos visionários de três meninos curiosos e aventureiros transformam-se em uma excitante realidade em Viagem ao Mundo dos Sonhos, a fantasia de ação do aclamado diretor Joe Dante (Gremlins), que combina humor inteligente, afeto e fantasia, com inesperadas reviravoltas. Em seu improvisado laboratório, os garotos usam sua genialidade e também uma surpreendente descoberta para construir sua própria nave espacial e lançarem-se em uma fantástica viagem interplanetária. Uma galáxia de aventuras para toda a família, estrelando os jovens River Phoenix (Conta Comigo, Quebra de Sigilo) e Ethan Hawke (Dia de Treinamento, Caindo na Real).


Melhor do Mundo

Melhor do Mundo 2023


Prem, um génio da Matemática de 12 anos, descobre que o pai, falecido recentemente, era um rapper famoso. Então, decide saber mais sobre a vida e as paixões do pai. Capacitado pelas suas fantasias repletas de hip hop e imaginação, Prem está decidido a descobrir se o hip hop faz mesmo parte do ADN dele.


É Assim Que Eu Sou

É Assim Que Eu Sou 2011


Andy Nichol é um jovem de 12 anos, que como a maioria dos jovens da sua idade, tenta evitar confusão e motivos para ser ridicularizado e punido pelos colegas da escola.Adorado pelos alunos, Mr. Simon, interpretado por Harris, coloca Andy e Stanley como dupla num projeto da escola.Stanley é perseguido por ser diferente, ruivo, com “a cabeça muito grande para seu corpo e as orelhas muito grande para sua cabeça”. Nessa relação, Andy e Stanley aprenderão um sobre o outro, e Mr. Simon terá que enfrentar uma fofoca que envolve preconceitos e intolerância.


Inazuma Eleven

Inazuma Eleven 2008


Mamoru Endou is a cheerful goalkeeper in Raimon Jr High, with six other players in the team. But there was a day when the team was almost lead to disbandment by Natsumi unless they are able to win the match against the Teikoku Gakuen, currently the best team in Japan. He tried to save the club by gathering four more players to join the team.


The Secret World of Alex Mack

The Secret World of Alex Mack 1994


The Secret World of Alex Mack is an American television series that ran on Nickelodeon from October 8, 1994 to January 15, 1998, replacing Clarissa Explains It All on the SNICK line-up. It also aired on YTV in Canada and NHK in Japan, and was a popular staple in the children's weekday line-up for much of the mid-to-late 1990s on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Repeats of the series aired in 2003 on The N, but it was soon replaced there. The series was produced by Thomas Lynch and John Lynch of Lynch Entertainment, produced by RHI Entertainment, Hallmark Entertainment and Nickelodeon Productions and was co-created by Tom Lynch and Ken Lipman. For home video releases, it was released under the Hallmark Home Entertainment label, making it the first Nickelodeon show not to be released by Paramount Home Video or Sony Wonder.


Accel World

Accel World 2012


A short, overweight student uses the Neuro Link, an evolution of the Nerve Gear, to escape himself from the reality. But his skills in the virtual world brings him to the attention of Kuroyukihime, a popular student who introduces him to the Brain Burst.


Nagi-Asu: A Lull in the Sea

Nagi-Asu: A Lull in the Sea 2013


Long ago, all humans lived beneath the sea. However, some people preferred the surface and abandoned living underwater permanently. As a consequence, they were stripped of their god-given protection called "Ena" which allowed them to breathe underwater. Over time, the rift between the denizens of the sea and of the surface widened, although contact between the two peoples still existed. This show follows the story of Hikari Sakishima and Manaka Mukaido, along with their childhood friends Chisaki Hiradaira and Kaname Isaki, who are forced to leave the sea and attend a school on the surface. There, the group also meets Tsumugu Kihara, a fellow student and fisherman who loves the sea. Hikari and his friends' lives are bound to change as they have to deal with the deep-seated hatred and discrimination between the people of sea and of the surface, the storms in their personal lives, as well as an impending tempest which may spell doom for all who dwell on the surface.


Girl Meets World

Girl Meets World 2014


The adventures of relatable and adventurous Riley Matthews, the tween daughter of Cory and Topanga Matthews, and her bold best friend Maya as they traverse the twists and turns of teenage years at Manhattan's John Quincy Adams Middle School where Riley's dad is their History teacher.


Good Morning, Miss Bliss

Good Morning, Miss Bliss 1988


Good Morning, Miss Bliss is an American teen sitcom that aired on the Disney Channel from 1988 to 1989, starring Hayley Mills as a teacher at John F. Kennedy Junior High School in Indianapolis, Indiana. The show was originally a pilot for NBC, which was inspired by NBC president Brandon Tartikoff's idea for a show about an "inspiring" teacher. NBC decided not to pick up the pilot, but Disney Channel did, premiering the show on November 30, 1988, and airing it for one season. The show was later retooled as Saved by the Bell, with much of the same cast but without Mills, and with a different setting. The latter show focused on the students rather than the teacher, and had a much more successful run.



HaNaYaMaTa 2014


Naru is a high school girl who is average in every way. She loves fairy tale heroines, though she’s never had the courage to escape her ordinary life. One day, she sees Hannah, a transfer student, dancing in the moonlit and becomes inspired to learn Yosakoi dancing.


Big Mouth

Big Mouth 2017


Teenage friends find their lives upended by the wonders and horrors of puberty in this edgy comedy from real-life pals Nick Kroll and Andrew Goldberg.


Piano: The Melody of a Young Girl's Heart

Piano: The Melody of a Young Girl's Heart 2002


Miu Nomura is a 14-year-old 8th-grader who has been playing piano since early childhood. She grows up gradually while her friendship, kinship, and love affairs evolve around her, but those relationships inevitably affect her piano performance.


Yes! PreCure 5

Yes! PreCure 5 2007


Nozomi Yumehara, a regular student, finds a magical book called the Dream Collet in the library and meets Coco and Nuts, two creatures from the Palmier Kingdom. They plead with Nozomi to restore their world, which has been destroyed by an organization called the Nightmares, by completing the Dream Collet and finding the 55 Pinkies to make any wish come true. Meanwhile, the Nightmares are moving into the real world. Once Nozomi agrees to help, Coco and Nuts transform her into the legendary warrior Cure Dream and turn four fellow students into her Pretty Cure team.


Celestial Method

Celestial Method 2014


The story begins one winter day when the wish of a few girls was realized with a miracle, changing the landscape of a town. "In the skies above this town, a disc is always there."


Natsuiro Kiseki

Natsuiro Kiseki 2012


Waking up in the morning, going to school, spending time with friends. These make up the days of four friends. They experience fun and sad things as well, and these days seem to go on forever, until one summer, a wonder happens. This is a story of four girls: Natsumi, a cheerful and frank girl, Saki, who is perfect in both studying and sports, Yuka, who is a fan of the idol group Four Seasons, and Rinko, who loves music. This warm yet refreshing summer-coloured wonder will surely carry you along...


Sabrina: The Animated Series

Sabrina: The Animated Series 1999


An animated prequel to the live-action show "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch," the series features 12-year-old Sabrina Spellman, who's half mortal and half witch. Though few people know of her powers, and her mortal uncle frequently warns her not to use her magic to solve problems, Sabrina still borrows spells from the Spookie Jar and gets into trouble with her friend Harvey.


A Certain Scientific Railgun

A Certain Scientific Railgun 2009


Misaka's electro-manipulation skills - and her delightfully destructive railgun projectile movement - make her a rock star in Academy City. The techno-metropolis is filled with supernaturally powerful students known as Espers, including Misaka's flirtatious friend and roommate, Shirai Kuroko. She uses her teleportation skills as a member of the Judgment law enforcement team, fighting crime alongside fellow agent Uiharu. Joined by their friend Saten, a spunky Level 0 Esper, Misaka, Kuroko, and Uiharu have a blast taking on danger whenever and wherever it arises.


Pretty Cure

Pretty Cure 2004


Nagisa Misumi and Honoka Yukishiro couldn't be more different. Nagisa is sporty and Honoka bookish, and while they attend the same school, they have very little in common - until one day, a shower of shooting stars brings two very unlikely visitors into their lives: Mepple and Mipple, refugees from the Garden of Light, which has been conquered by Darkness. Endowed with new and startling powers, Nagisa and Honoka become Cure Black and Cure White, the legendary warriors of light - together, they are Pretty Cure.


Eastbound & Down

Eastbound & Down 2009


Years after he turned his back on his hometown, a burned-out major league ballplayer returns to teach phys ed at his old middle school.


Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 2003


Usagi Tsukino is a clumsy teenage girl who becomes a Magical Girl named Sailor Moon after meeting a cat named Luna, who tells her she is a destined warrior who must find the reincarnated princess of a lost kingdom. Along the way, she meets other reincarnated warriors who join her group known as the Sailor Senshi who fight the forces of the evil mastermind behind the Dark Kingdom.


School of Rock

School of Rock 2016


A group of rule-abiding prep school students – Zack, Lawrence, Freddy, Summer and Tomika – learn to take risks and reach new heights thanks to substitute teacher Dewey Finn, a down-on-his-luck musician who uses the language of rock ‘n’ roll to inspire his class to form a secret band. Throughout the school year, these middle-school classmates find themselves navigating relationships, discovering their unknown talents and learning lessons on loyalty and friendships.



PEN15 2019


Middle school as it really happened. Maya Erskine and Anna Konkle star in this adult comedy, playing versions of themselves as thirteen-year-old outcasts in the year 2000, surrounded by actual thirteen-year-olds, where the best day of your life can turn into your worst with the stroke of a gel pen.


The♥Kabocha Wine

The♥Kabocha Wine 1982


Shunsuke Aoba has just transferred to a new school and can’t wait to attend. Excitedly, he sprints to the school but, upon arrival, finds that no one is there. Unfortunately, Shunsuke didn’t know that his first day was a holiday, of all things. However, it seems that he is not the only one on campus. As he is about to eat his lunch, he meets a student named Natsumi. Shunsuke gives her some of his food, and the two strike up a conversation. Natsumi was born as a so-called SL girl, a particularly tall girl. She herself accepts her specialness but is rejected by many of her classmates. How will Shunsuke react to this? Will their initial friendship continue?