Gerry Chiniquy You Ought to Be in Pictures Baseball Bugs A Hitch in Time Buccaneer Bunny Three Little Bops A Hare Grows in Manhattan High Diving Hare Kit for Cat Pigs in a Polka Rabbit Transit The Last Hungry Cat The Wabbit Who Came to Supper Birds Anonymous Tweetie Pie Knighty Knight Bugs Canary Row Porky's Pastry Pirates Bad Ol' Putty Tat All a Bir-r-r-d The Bear Who Slept Through Christmas The Ant and the Aardvark Devil's Feud Cake Hare-Less Wolf Mutiny on the Bunny The Pink Pill The Yolks on You Daffy Flies North A Kiddies Kitty Tugboat Granny Quackodile Tears Home, Tweet Home Mexicali Shmoes Hawaiian Aye Aye Yogi's First Christmas Dumb Patrol Bugs Bunny's Easter Funnies Little Red Riding Rabbit Honey's Money His Bitter Half Slick Hare I Taw a Putty Tat The Inspector Rhapsody Rabbit The Hare-Brained Hypnotist Heist and Seek The Big House Ain't a Home Bows and Errors Deviled Yeggs Watch the Birdie Haunting Dog Eagle Beagles From Nags to Riches Goldilox & the Three Hoods Medicur Rock-A-Bye Maybe Hasty But Tasty I've Got Ants in My Plans Technology, Phooey Never Bug an Ant Isle of Caprice Odd Ant Out Science Friction The Froze Nose Knows The Great De Gaulle Stone Operation Reaux, Reaux, Reaux Your Boat Napoleon Blown-Aparte Cirrhosis of the Louvre Plastered in Paris Ape Suzette Sacré Bleu Cross Le Pig-Al Patrol Le Bowser Bagger Le Escape Goat Crow De Guerre Canadian Can-Can Tour de Farce The Shooting of Caribou Lou London Derriere Les Miserobots Transylvania Mania Bear De Guerre Cherche Le Phantom Le Great Dane Robbery La Feet's Defeat Le Ball and Chain Gang French Freud Pierre and Cottage Cheese Carte Blanched Flying Feet Robin Goodhood Gem Dandy Tickled Pink Pink 8 Ball Pink Aye Trail of the Lonesome Pink The Pink of Arabee The Pink of Bagdad Pet Pink Pebbles Pink Pest Control Think Before You Pink Therapeutic Pink Pink Outs Jet Pink Pink Paradise Pink Blue Plate Pink Pranks The Pink Flea Pink-In String Along in Pink Pink Streaker Salmon Pink Forty Pink Winks Pink Elephant Keep Our Forests Pink Bobolink Pink The Scarlet Pinkernel Put-Put, Pink Pink in the Clink Pink Is a Many Splintered Thing Pink Pictures Pink Lemonade Pink Daddy Pink and Shovel Pinkologist Two Jumps and a Chump The Egg and Ay-Yi-Yi! Fastest Tongue in the West Serape Happy Frog Jog Hiss and Hers Nippon Tuck Love and Hisses Yokahama Mama The Boa Friend Blue Aces Wild Killarney Blarney Greetings Bait The Shoe Must Go On Pay Your Buffalo Bill Stirrups and Hiccups Phony Express As the Tumbleweed Turns Saddle Soap Opera The Incredible Mr. Limpet Mouse and Garden Speedy Gonzales Horse Hare Goldimouse and the Three Cats Person to Bunny Hyde and Go Tweet From Hare to Heir Trip for Tat Lighter Than Hare D' Fightin' Ones The Chocolate Chase Daffy Duck's Easter Egg-Citement Roman Legion-Hare Ounce of Prevention Bugs Bunny Nips the Nips Big House Bunny Hiawatha's Rabbit Hunt The Bugs Bunny Mystery Special Tweety's Circus Daffy Duck's Thanks-for-Giving Special Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure Ding Dog Daddy Along Came Daffy Bunker Hill Bunny The Cat's Tale Sahara Hare Red Riding Hoodwinked The Unmentionables