Boris Leven Anatomia morderstwa Król komedii Olbrzym The Star Ostatni walc Just Around the Corner Matilda Happy Birthday, Wanda June Donovan's Brain Battles of Chief Pontiac Tajemnica Andromedy Ziarnka piasku Mr. Peabody and the Mermaid W pułapce miłości Search for Danger The Shocking Miss Pilgrim Tales of Manhattan Sudden Fear Dwoje na huśtawce Double Solitaire Kasyno w Szanghaju Everybody's Baby Alexander's Ragtime Band Flip i Flap w Legii Cudzoziemskiej Najeźdźcy z Marsa Life Begins at Eight-Thirty Dźwięki muzyki Dzikie Koty The Silver Chalice Star! Opowieść o Jakie Robinsonie Mandingo Strait-Jacket West Side Story Return Engagement Fletch Zero Hour! Experiment Alcatraz The Second Woman Kolor Pieniędzy New York, New York The Prowler The Long Wait Dakota Lil Woman on the Run I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now Down on the Farm Second Chorus Destination Murder My Gun Is Quick Home Sweet Homicide House by the River Doll Face Shanks Reflections of Murder September Storm Shock Jonathan Livingston Seagull