Milo O’Shea Angel in Green The Matchmaker Romeo i Julia Gdy okazja zapuka do drzwi Werdykt Barbarella Krwawy teatr The Playboys Silent Song Sacco i Vanzetti Dorożkarzu do dzieła Steptoe & Son Ride Again The Pilot Percy's Progress Mystics Rough for Theatre I Our World Ulysses Arena Loot The Angel Levine Swing Vote Purpurowa róża z Kairu Broken Vows Przygoda arabska The Adding Machine The Love Ban Portrait of a Rebel: The Remarkable Mrs. Sanger Never Put It in Writing Peter Lundy and the Medicine Hat Stallion Contraband Journey Into Darkness Talk of a Million Come Buttercup, Come Daisy, Come......? Drużyna marzeń Professor Popper's Problems Monster Magic Powder Into the Unknown Follow That Skate Pursued Descent to Danger Contraband Digby, the Biggest Dog in the World Tylko Samotni This Other Eden Once a Hero Puckoon Paddy And No One Could Save Her Rooney Chłopak rzeźnika Circasia Night School A Time for Miracles St. Elsewhere Who's the Boss? Złotka Zdarzyło się jutro Spin City Beauty and the Beast Więzienie Oz The Protectors The Commish Frasier Out of This World Microbes and Men Madigan Men Jennifer Slept Here No Hiding Place Festival Orson Welles' Great Mysteries Cilla Prezydencki poker Tony Awards Ellis Island Tony Awards QB VII Once a Hero Zdrówko Murder in the Heartland Armchair Theatre