Edward G. Boyle Garsoniera Słodki zapach sukcesu The Star Przeminęło z wiatrem The Men Szczęście Harry'ego Dyktator Afera Thomasa Crowna Niewiniątka Bride of the Gorilla The Naked Street Ruby Gentry Noc w Casablance Narodziny gwiazdy Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla I Cover the Underworld Queen for a Day Private Hell 36 Gaily, Gaily So This Is New York Donovan's Brain No Minor Vices He Ran All the Way Samotna dziewczyna i seks Cyrano de Bergerac Johnny Guitar Three Husbands The Other Love Sudden Fear Man with the Gun Człowiek z Dzikiego Zachodu Siła zła Pocałuj mnie, głuptasie... Ostatnia runda Biały kanion Pół żartem, pół serio The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms Jack the Giant Killer Tobor the Great Caught The Bushwhackers Panther Girl of the Kongo Johnny One-Eye Champion Angel on My Shoulder I, the Jury This Is My Love Dr. Gillespie's Criminal Case Kwiat kaktusa Osobne stoliki Seven Days in May Nazywam się Tibbs! Halls of Anger Kid Galahad How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying Tales of Robin Hood These Wilder Years The Bachelor Party The Private Affairs of Bel Ami 7 Men from Now The Great American Pastime Strange Journey Up in Mabel's Room Abroad with Two Yanks Pardon My Past Kit Carson Made for Each Other A potem nie było już nikogo Fitzwilly Dwoje na huśtawce The Big Night Najeźdźcy z Marsa Overland Pacific Hawaje The Scarf The Bigamist The Corsican Brothers The Big Knife The Fighting Failure Hannah Lee: An American Primitive Good-bye, My Lady The Shanghai Story Wzgórze Pork Chop The Son of Monte Cristo Story of G.I. Joe The Great John L. Nightmare Home of the Brave Eyes in the Night The Moon Is Blue By Love Possessed Unchained