Peter Mayhew Gwiezdne wojny: Część IV - Nowa nadzieja Gwiezdne wojny: Część V - Imperium kontratakuje Gwiezdne wojny: Część VI - Powrót Jedi Comic Book: The Movie Fanboys Yesterday Was a Lie Terror The Star Wars Holiday Special Comic Book Villains Gwiezdne wojny: Przebudzenie Mocy Gwiezdne wojny: Część III - Zemsta Sithów A Disturbance in the Force: How the Star Wars Holiday Special Happened The Very Best of the Muppet Show When Star Wars Ruled the World Jedi Junkies Return of the Ewok Empire of Dreams: The Story of the Star Wars Trilogy Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger SP FX: The Empire Strikes Back Secrets of the Force Awakens: A Cinematic Journey The Story of Star Wars The Making of Star Wars The Making of The Empire Strikes Back The Characters of Star Wars Classic Creatures: Return of the Jedi The Mythology of Star Wars Comic Book Men Hazell The Kenny Everett Television Show The Muppet Show Dark Towers Glee