Michael Lah Tex Avery: King of Cartoons Little Johnny Jet Uroki morskiej kąpieli Kto pod kim dołki kopie Kumpel na pół etatu Podrzutek Ventriloquist Cat Pieśń miłości Doktor Jekyll i Mister Mysz Deputy Droopy The First Bad Man Łebski kot Grin and Share It Blackboard Jumble One Droopy Knight Sheep Wrecked Mutts About Racing Droopy Leprechaun The Milky Way The Bear and the Bean The Bear and the Hare Goggle Fishing Bear Symphony in Slang Merbabies Cellbound Tex Avery Screwball Classics: Volume 3 Kocie wędkowanie Zakochany Tom It's Always Fair Weather Sleepy-Time Squirrel The Stork's Holiday Romeo in Rhythm The Bear That Couldn't Sleep Home on the Range Doggone Tired Wags to Riches Tex Avery Screwball Classics: Volume 1 Tex Avery Screwball Classics: Volume 2 Millionaire Droopy Cat's Meow