Richard Best The Double Man Yield to the Night Interpol The Magic Box Mine Own Executioner Promises Promises... 24 Hours of a Woman's Life No Trees in the Street Krew na szponach szatana The Moonraker The Good Beginning The Guinea Pig Dominique Fame Is the Spur Britannia Mews Valley of Song The Dancing Years Zimne piwo w Aleksandrii Robbie Five in Millions Life on the Line Who's in Charge? Otley Look Back in Anger Psychomania The Lambeth Walk The Dam Busters Desert Victory The Silken Affair The Cracksman The Best Pair of Legs in the Business Go to Blazes School for Scoundrels Now and Forever Woman in a Dressing Gown Najniebezpieczniejszy człowiek świata Please Sir! The Weak and the Wicked