De Toots Sessies 2020
De Campus Cup 2019
Culture Club 2016
Sofie Lemaire and Bent Van Looy take an open, eager and curious look at culture and cultural events. Culture in the broadest sense of the word, live from the heart of Antwerp, Belgium with weekly guests from home and abroad, concerts and performances.
Belpop 2008
Zingen is goud 2023
Radio Gaga 2015
In De Gloria 2000
In de gloria was a Flemish sketch comedy show by Jan Eelen that ran on the Canvas television station in the period 2000–2002. It ran for 2 seasons, each containing 10 episodes. The show featured fictitious television reports presented as if they were real. In De Gloria was a satire on reality television and human interest programs featuring ordinary people, portrayed by the cast. The title translates to "in the glory".
25 jaar Canvas 2022
Het Leven.doc 2020
Dickie 2021
Off the record 2015
Musicians give an exclusive look into their personal record collection and reveal their most crucial influences.
Oorlogsreporters 2024
Gilles De Coster invites a new professional group to his discussion table: the war reporters. In times of war at the European borders with rampant propaganda, their work becomes increasingly complex and crucial. Eight war reporters testify candidly about their special job. Special attention is paid to, among other things, the myths surrounding war reporting, the moral dilemmas of the profession and the impact of the journalistic mission on one's own life. Gilles De Coster delves into people and professions with Rudi Vranckx, Robin Ramaekers, Daphne Wesdorp, Dirk Draulans, Hans Jaap Melissen, Daniel Demoustier, Eddy van Wessel and Marleen Daniëls.
Wanderlust 2016
Polish-Flemish philosopher Alicja Gescinska interviews national and international personalities with diverse philosophical and religious backgrounds.