Elizabeth: Złoty wiek

Elizabeth: Złoty wiek 2007


Anglia, rok 1585. Królowa Elżbieta I sprawuje rządy od ponad 30 lat. Na dworze trwają poszukiwania odpowiedniego kandydata na męża, który zapewniłby monarchii kontynuację. Żaden z kandydatów nie przypada Elżbiecie do gustu. Jej serce zaczyna bić mocniej, gdy zostaje jej przedstawiony podróżnik i odkrywca Walter Raleigh, który zdaje się wart bliższego poznania. Tymczasem hiszpański król Filip II zamierza obalić królową i zmusić naród do porzucenia wiary protestanckiej. Elżbieta po raz kolejny postanawia poświęcić sprawy osobiste na rzecz Anglii.


Toledo, cruce de destinos

Toledo, cruce de destinos 2012


The story is settled in the Middle Ages when three monotheistic religions coexisted and fought for power in the Spanish Peninsula: Christians, Muslims and Jews. The series mixes action, intrigue and love in the Castilian capital of Toledo. It shows us about all those who lived in the walls of a city full of ups and downs, labyrinths and shady hiding places.


The Stuarts: A Bloody Reign

The Stuarts: A Bloody Reign 2018


Four kings from the House of Stuart sat on the English throne from 1603 to 1688. It was a time of great religious struggle and political instability. The Gunpowder Plot nearly wiped out King James I. The Thirty Years War broke out on the continent. A civil war erupted which led to the public beheading of King Charles I and the birth of a commonwealth headed by Oliver Cromwell. London was ravaged by the plague and the Great Fire of London. Throughout this series we look at the reign of the Stuarts through the powerful Wynn family at Gwydir Castle in North Wales, one of the best time capsules from that era. The story of the Wynn family reflects the turbulent history of this Stuart era. They had close connections with this new royal house and their status would rise and fall with the successes and failures of Stuart rule.