Babygirl 2024
Wysoko postawiona dyrektor generalna ryzykuje swoją karierę i rodzinę, gdy rozpoczyna namiętny romans ze swoim znacznie młodszym stażystą.
Wysoko postawiona dyrektor generalna ryzykuje swoją karierę i rodzinę, gdy rozpoczyna namiętny romans ze swoim znacznie młodszym stażystą.
Stając twarzą w twarz z realnymi możliwościami i wyzwaniami, para musi zmierzyć się ze wzlotami i upadkami, próbując utrzymać związek na odległość.
Kiedy dwóch braci organizuje napad na należący do ich rodziców sklep z biżuterią, wszystko idzie strasznie źle. Rabunek pociąga za sobą serię wydarzeń, które doprowadzają braci, ich ojca oraz żonę jednego z braci do szokującego punktu kulminacyjnego całej historii.
Tom Sanders (Michael Douglas) jest pracownikiem dużej firmy komputerowej "Digi Com". W jednej chwili jego kariera, małżeństwo i przyszłość stają pod wielkim znakiem zapytania. A wszystko za sprawą Meredith Johnson (Demi Moore) - atrakcyjnej, młodej i bardzo ambitnej kobiety (byłej kochanki Toma), która niespodziewanie odbiera mu awans i na koniec zostaje jego szefem. Meredith próbuje odnowić dawną zażyłość, a odrzucona oskarża Toma o napastowanie seksualne w pracy. [opis dystrybutora dvd]
Don Champagne (Patrick Wilson) na pozór ma wszystko: sukcesy w pracy, cudowny dom, wspaniałe dzieciaki i idealną żonę. Niestety, gdy Mona (Katherine Heigl) odkrywa romans męża z nową, śliczną ekspedientką Dusty (Jordana Brewster), życie w tym podmiejskim kawałku nieba, gdzie hołduje się zasadzie, że "pozory znaczą wszystko", wymyka się spod kontroli. Don szybko uświadamia sobie, że Mona nie zatrzyma się ...
Jedna z najbardziej pożądanych aktorek Hollywood – Kate Hudson – wciela się w beztroską singielkę Marley, która po serii przelotnych romansów poznaje wreszcie mężczyznę swoich marzeń, przystojnego doktora Juliana – w tej roli główny konkurent Antonio Banderasa do miana latynoskiego amanta wszech czasów – Gael Garcia Bernal. Pech sprawi, że to właśnie z jego ust Marley dowie się, że jej życie zawisło na włosku... Czy uczucie okaże się silniejsze od przeszkód, stawianych przez kapryśny los? Znakomitą obsadę komedii, na której nawet najbardziej niewzruszony widz wielokrotnie sięgnie po chusteczkę, uzupełniają wyróżnione nagrodami Amerykańskiej Akademii Filmowej wybitne aktorki komediowe Kathy Bates i Whoopi Goldberg.
Ten balansujący na granicy faktu i fikcji dokument zgłębia temat korupcji w meksykańskiej policji, ukazując ją z perspektywy doświadczeń dwojga funkcjonariuszy.
Pełna entuzjazmu włóczka o imieniu Purl dostaje pracę w hałaśliwej, dynamicznie rozwijającej się, zdominowanej przez mężczyzn korporacji. Starając się dopasować do ich zwartej grupy, Purl musi odpowiedzieć sobie na pytanie, jak daleko jest gotowa się posunąć, by zdobyć upragnioną akceptację w zespole i czy warto o nią tak zabiegać.
Michele organizuje wystawne przyjęcie dla żony, Elsy, która napisała pracę doktorską z dziedziny renowacji zabytków. Małżonkowie stanowią zgodną i szczęśliwa parę. Wiodą luksusowe życie, mają dom w Genui i jacht. Okazuje się, że impreza dla Elsy jest ostatnią okazją do cieszenia się dostatkiem i spokojem. Wkrótce Michele wyjawia żonie, że od dwóch miesięcy nie chodzi do pracy. Partner biznesowy, niedawny przyjaciel, przejął wspólny interes. Wizja utraty dobrobytu staje się źródłem napięcia między mężem i żoną, a także ich dorosłą córką.
Follows the personal and professional lives of a group of doctors at Seattle’s Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital.
Mark leads a team of office workers whose memories have been surgically divided between their work and personal lives. When a mysterious colleague appears outside of work, it begins a journey to discover the truth about their jobs.
Betty Suarez is smart, tough and tenacious, but also sensitive and loving. She hopes these skills will help her to get a job within the Meade Publishing Corporation. The fact that she isn’t traditionally attractive initially keeps her from getting hired by fashion bible, Mode. The magazine, however, is in flux, with power-hungry executives vying for dominance. Hoping to control the situation, the publisher gives his inexperienced son, Daniel, the position of Editor-in-Chief. He hires Betty as Daniel’s assistant after catching him in a compromising position with his secretary on his first day on the job. After a tough start, in which Daniel tries to force Betty into quitting by treating her terribly, he realizes her worth and the two pair up to be an effective team.
Set in a family restaurant in Hokkaido, the northern prefecture of Japan, 16-year-old high school student Sōta Takanashi works part-time along with his strange co-workers: Popura Taneshima, a high school girl who—despite being a year older than Sōta—is easily mistaken for a elementary/middle schooler, and Kyoko Shirafuji, the 28-year-old store manager who does not bother to do any work at all.
Reality series that follows high-level executives as they slip anonymously into the rank-and-file of their own organizations. Each week, a different leader will sacrifice the comfort of their corner office for an undercover mission to examine the inner workings of their operation.
The publication of a new dictionary titled The Great Passage progresses. Mitsuya Majime, originally from publisher Genbu Shobo's sales department, has been recruited by Kouhei Araki, a veteran editor of the dictionary department who is looking to retire soon. The dictionary department is known internally as the "money-eating insect," but Mitsuya uses his perseverance and attachment to the words in order to become a great editor. Mitsuya, who has poor social skills, finds himself working with another man named Masashi Nishioka, who is able to express himself better.
Sharp knives and even sharper tongues! Meet Britain's finest, most short-fused chef, Gareth Balckstock.
Set in 1960-1970 New York, this sexy, stylized and provocative drama follows the lives of the ruthlessly competitive men and women of Madison Avenue advertising.
Young-Ja (Park Min-Ji) is the youngest daughter with a bright and positive personality. Her father suddenly collapses. For her family, Young-Ja gets a job at a department store as a sales person. She falls in love with Sung-Jae who is the head of planning & evaluation team there. He has lived alone since his wife and daughter died.
Amid a tense inheritance fight, a charming heir clashes with his hardworking employee who's known for her irresistible smile — which he cannot stand.
The story is about a woman who struggles together with her coworkers to mature into a true webtoon editor after joining the webtoon editorial department. On Ma Eum, who enters the webtoon editorial department after beating all odds. She has a large appetite, a great sense of smell, and cauliflower ears typical of a fighter as a former standing member for the judo national team. On Ma Eum had to quit her athletic career when an unfortunate accident during a match tore her ankle ligament, but she begins to dream anew when she coincidentally delivers food to the webtoon editorial department.
Chen Shan, a renowned female lawyer, has reached the nadir of her career at the age of 40. Because of work, she has no time to care for her husband and daughter’s needs. Her husband, Sun Lei has put aside his career goals to accommodate the family. Although this arrangement has been working well for the past few years, it gradually loses balance and becomes a burden. At this time, investment elite Lin Qing Kun appears and Chen Shan has to beat her competitors to get his deal. Facing the pressure of managing her marriage and career. Chen Shan tries hard to balance the two but failed to do so. Sun Lei and Chen Shan goes through multiple challenges, and seem to have found a better partner than each other for themselves. However, with each stumbling step, they finally realize that with their own imperfections, they are each other's, perfect partner.
Carmy, a young fine-dining chef, comes home to Chicago to run his family sandwich shop. As he fights to transform the shop and himself, he works alongside a rough-around-the-edges crew that ultimately reveal themselves as his chosen family.
The Smoking Room is a British television sitcom written by Brian Dooley, who won a BAFTA for the series in 2005. The first series, consisting of eight episodes, was originally transmitted on BBC Three between 29 June and 17 August 2004. The Christmas Special was first transmitted on 20 December 2004. A second series of eight episodes began airing on 26 July 2005. The first series, including the Christmas Special, was released on DVD by the BBC on 6 February 2006 and on CD in a four-disc set on 4 April 2005. The second series was released on 16 October 2006; a boxed set containing both series was released on the same date. There will not be a third series; in an interview for the BBC News website on 30 November 2006, the actor Robert Webb who plays Robin, said in passing, "...there is no more Smoking Room". England's smoking ban, which prohibits indoor smoking in workplaces, came into force on 1 July 2007, as a result of which internal smoking rooms, like the one in which the series is set, became illegal.
The misadventures of hapless cafe owner René Artois and his escapades with the Resistance in occupied France.
The newspaper office, Tozai Shinbun, plans to publish the Ultimate Menu to commemorate their 100th anniversary. It would not only describe foods but also pass on dietary cultures for many generations to come. Despite its importance, Shirou Yamaoka, a lazy employee, and Yuuko Kurita, a company newcomer, are selected as the editors.
A modern drama focusing on the relationship between real estate agents and customers wanting to find the perfect home in a growing property market.
Media student Bu Xiao Gu has a dream: she is determined to become an outstanding producer. Her idol is Chun Yu Qiao, who is a top-notch producer at Xintian production company, and Xiao Gu manages to enter the company as an intern. But Yu Qiao’s unreasonable personality makes Xiao Gu feel great disappointment. With her hopes shattered, Xiao Gu is asleep at the wheel and not only causes a live broadcast accident which makes her lose her job, but also misses the deadline for her master thesis. However, Yu Qiao takes on the sole responsibility for the accident and thus saves Xiao Gu’s career. Xiao Gu finally recognizes Yu Qiao’s true personality and the two start to work and fight for their dreams together.
The series revolves around Rothman, Greene, and Moore, a fictional advertising firm. The storylines center on the difficulties of securing accounts and the characters' personal lives.
A glimpse into the outrageous lives of Jane, Kat and Sutton, who are working at the nation's top women's magazine, Scarlet, while navigating their careers, identities and individual voices.