Player One

Player One 2018


Akcja rozgrywa się w roku 2045, kiedy to świat znajduje się na skraju upadku i pogrążenia się w chaosie. Ludzie znajdują ratunek w OAZIE, ekspansywnym uniwersum rzeczywistości wirtualnej stworzonym przez błyskotliwego ekscentryka Jamesa Hallidaya (Mark Rylance). Przed śmiercią Halliday postanawia przekazać swoją niewyobrażalną fortunę pierwszej osobie, która odnajdzie cyfrowe „wielkanocne jajko” ukryte gdzieś w OAZIE. Rozpoczyna się rywalizacja, która wkrótce ogarnia cały świat. Młody Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan), kiepski kandydat na bohatera, postanawia dołączyć do karkołomnego, zakrzywiającego rzeczywistość wyścigu po skarb w fantastycznym uniwersum pełnym tajemnic, odkryć i niebezpieczeństw.


Free Guy

Free Guy 2021


Guy (Ryan Reynolds) to przeciętny urzędnik banku. Posłuszny, rzetelny i miły dla każdego. Kiedy pewnego dnia odkrywa, że tak naprawdę jest drugoplanową postacią w grze, nagle wszystko nabiera dla niego nowego sensu. Jako gracz NCP (postać sterowana przez Sztuczną Inteligencję) często był atakowany, okradany, potrącany przez samochód i traktowany, jak worek treningowy. Do tej pory wydawało mu się to naturalne, teraz wie, że za tym kryją się inni gracze. Na domiar złego, twórca gry postanawia ją zakończyć i zniszczyć jedyny świat mężczyzny. Współpracując z nową koleżanką (Jodie Comer), która jest zarówno człowiekiem, jak i postacią w grze, Guy postanawia zostać bohaterem własnej historii i wziąć sprawy w swoje ręce. Teraz na planie gry, która nie ma dla niego żadnych ograniczeń jest zdeterminowany, aby być facetem, który uratuje swój wirtualny świat i żyjących w nim przyjaciół – niczym superbohater – tylko żyjący w komputerze.


SWORD ART ONLINE – Progressive – Aria of a Starless Night

SWORD ART ONLINE – Progressive – Aria of a Starless Night 2021


6 listopada 2022 roku to data premiery pierwszej na świecie gry VRMMORPG nowej generacji, Sword Art Online. Podekscytowani pierwszym zalogowaniem gracze zostają uwięzieni w wirtualnym świecie przez Mistrza Gry, który pozbawił ich jakiejkolwiek możliwości opuszczenia rozgrywki do czasu jej ukończenia. Mistrz Gry dał graczom ostrzeżenie: „Nie możecie wylogować się z własnej woli, jeśli ktoś z was umrze w grze, umrze również w rzeczywistości”. Po tych słowach wybuchła panika i zapanowało pandemonium. Asuna, nie znając zasad gry, wyrusza na podbój pierwszego piętra latającego zamku Aincrad. W świecie, w którym śmierć czyha na każdym rogu, Asunie przeznaczone jest wyjątkowe spotkanie. Oraz bolesne pożegnanie... Zdana na łaskę nowej rzeczywistości, Asuna walczy z całych sił o przetrwanie, aż w pewnym momencie na swojej drodze spotyka pewnego zdystansowanego szermierza o imieniu Kirito... (opis dystrybutora, skrócony)


SWORD ART ONLINE – Progressive – Scherzo of Deep Night

SWORD ART ONLINE – Progressive – Scherzo of Deep Night 2022


Pierwsza na świecie gra VRMMORPG (Sword Art Online) stała się walką o przetrwanie. Minął miesiąc odkąd 10 tysięcy graczy zostało uwięzionych w wirtualnym świecie gry. Asuna, która oczyściła pierwsze piętro zamku Aincrad, łączy siły z Kirito, by wspólnie wspiąć się na ostatnie piętro. Dzięki Argo i jej cennym informacjom, pokonywanie kolejnych pięter wydaje się iść gładko, ale… Wybucha konflikt między dwiema głównymi gildiami, które powinny ze sobą współpracować, czołowymi grupami graczy z Sił Wyzwolenia Aincrad i Brygady Smoczych Rycerzy. A tymczasem za kulisami tajemnicza postać pociąga za sznurki… Scherzo of Deep Night jest wyczekiwanym sequelem Sword Art Online the Movie -Progressive- Aria of a Starless Night (2021). Film przedstawia kontynuację przygód Asuny w wirtualnej rzeczywistości, gdzie „Game Over” oznacza śmierć również w prawdziwym życiu. (opis dystrybutora)


Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale

Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale 2017


W 2026 roku zostaje opracowane nowe urządzenie - Augma, które jest konkurencją dla NerveGear oraz Amusphere. Jest to przenośne urządzenie, które nie posiada funkcji pełnego zanurzenia jak jego poprzednicy. Zamiast tego wykorzystuje Augmented Reality (AR). Jest to bezpieczne, łatwe w obsłudze i używa się go będąc świadomym, co jest hitem na rynku i szybko uzyskuje wielu graczy. Najpopularniejszą grą jest "Ordinal Scale" (OS), ARMMORPG opracowane tylko dla Augma. Posiada ona system rankingowy co oznacza, że aby mieć wyższe miejsce w rankingu trzeba pokonywać bossy na rajdach w mieście. Po jakimś czasie w grze pojawiają się bossy Aincardu z gry Sword Art Online. W jakim celu twórca Augmy - Profesor Tetsuhiro Shigemura dodał je do gry i kim tak naprawdę są piosenkarka Yuna, której koncert się zbliża, oraz Eiji, chłopak, który trzyma się blisko młodej wokalistki, a zarazem jest drugi w rankingu?





Po 12 latach grania w swoją ulubioną grę MMORPG, Momonga loguje się po raz ostatni tylko po to, by zostać  przetransportowanym do świata gry i zostać tam na zawsze. W trakcie swoich przygód jego awatar awansuje do tytułu Króla Czarnoksiężnika Ains Ooal Gown. Niegdyś prosperujące, ale teraz na skraju ruiny, Święte Królestwo cieszyło się latami pokoju po zbudowaniu ogromnego muru chroniącego je przed najazdami sąsiadów. Pewnego dnia to się kończy, gdy demoniczny cesarz Jaldabaoth przybywa z armią nikczemnych półludzi. Obawiając się inwazji na swoje ziemie, sąsiednie terytorium Teokracji Slane jest zmuszone błagać swoich wrogów z Królestwa Czarnoksiężników o pomoc. Momonga, znany teraz jako Król Czarnoksiężników Ains Ooal Gown, zwołuje Królestwo Czarnoksiężników i jego armię nieumarłych, by przyłączyli się do walki u boku Świętego Królestwa i Teokracji Slane w nadziei na pokonanie Imperatora Demonów.


Shangri-La Frontier

Shangri-La Frontier 2023


Rakuro Hizutome only cares about one thing: beating crappy VR games. He devotes his entire life to these buggy games and could clear them all in his sleep. One day, he decides to challenge himself and play a popular god-tier game called Shangri-La Frontier. But he quickly learns just how difficult it is. Will his expert skills be enough to uncover its hidden secrets?


Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online

Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online 2018


A shy university student in Tokyo, Karen Kohiruimaki stands in stark contrast to her in-game avatar—in fact, she happens to stand above everyone else too, much to her dismay. Towering above all the people around her, Karen's insecurities over her height reach the point where she turns to the virtual world for an escape. Starting game after game in hopes of manifesting as a cute, short character, she finally obtains her ideal self in the world of Gun Gale Online. Overjoyed by her new persona, she pours her time into the game as LLENN, garnering her reputation as the legendary player killer. However, when one of LLENN's targets gets the best of her, she ends up meeting Pitohui, a skilled yet eccentric woman. Pitohui insists that LLENN participates in Squad Jam, a battle royale. Thrust into the heated competition, LLENN must fight with all her wit and will if she hopes to shoot her way to the top.


BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense.

BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense. 2020


Kaede Honjou is invited by her friend Risa Shiramine to play a virtual reality MMO game with her. While Kaede doesn't dislike games, what she really, truly dislikes is being in pain. She creates a character named Maple, and decides to put all her points in VIT to minimize pain. As a result, she moves slowly, can't use magic, and even a rabbit can get the best of her. But as it turns out, she acquires a skill known as "Absolute Defense" as a result of her pumping points into VIT, as well as a "Counter Skill" that works against special moves. Now, with her ability to nullify all damage, she goes on adventures.


Log Horizon

Log Horizon 2013


One day, while playing the online game Elder Tales, 30,000 players suddenly find themselves trapped in another world. There, eight-year veteran gamer Shiroe also gets left behind. The trapped players are still alive, but they remain in combat with the monsters. The players don't understand what has happened to them, and they flee to Akiba, the largest city in Tokyo, where they are thrown into chaos. Once proud of his loner lifestyle, Shiroe forms a guild called Log Horizon with his old friend Naotsugu, female assassin Akatsuki and others.


Full Dive: This Ultimate Next-Gen Full Dive RPG Is Even Shittier Than Real Life!

Full Dive: This Ultimate Next-Gen Full Dive RPG Is Even Shittier Than Real Life! 2021


In an unexpected turn of events, dull high school student Hiro Yuuki obtains the full dive role-playing game Kiwame Quest. Created by the best of technology, the game claims to take "reality to its extremes," from stunning graphics, NPCs' behavior, to the scent of vegetation, and even the sensation of wind brushing against the skin—everything was the result of an ultimate workmanship. Except, the game is a little too realistic and messy to clear. Kiwame Quest features over ten quadrillion flags and reflects the players' real-life physical abilities in the game. Being hit in the game also hurts in real life and slash wounds take days to heal. The only reward here is the sense of accomplishment. Conquer the most stressful game in history that can't be played casually!


Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody

Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody 2018


29-year-old programmer Suzuki Ichirou finds himself transported into a fantasy RPG. Within the game, he's a 15-year-old named Satou. At first he thinks he's dreaming, but his experiences seem very real. Due to a powerful ability he possesses with limited use, he ends up wiping out an army of lizard men and becomes a high leveled adventurer. Satou decides to hide his level, and plans to live peacefully and meet new people. However, developments in the game's story, such as the return of a demon king, may cause a nuisance to Satou's plans.


Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear 2020


Fifteen-year-old Yuna prefers staying home and obsessively playing her favorite VRMMO to doing anything else, including going to school. When a strange new update gives her a one-of-a-kind bear outfit that comes with overpowered abilities, Yuna is torn: the outfit is unbearably cute, but too embarrassing to wear in-game. But then she suddenly finds herself transported into the world of the game, facing down monsters and magic for real, and the bear suit becomes the best weapon she has!


Sword Art Online

Sword Art Online 2012


In the near future, a Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (VRMMORPG) called Sword Art Online has been released where players control their avatars with their bodies using a piece of technology called Nerve Gear. One day, players discover they cannot log out, as the game creator is holding them captive unless they reach the 100th floor of the game's tower and defeat the final boss. However, if they die in the game, they die in real life. Their struggle for survival starts now...


Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?

Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks? 2019


Just when Masato thought that a random survey conducted in school was over, he got involved in a secret Government scheme. As he was carried along with the flow, he ended up in a Game world! As if that wasn't enough, shockingly, his mother was there as well! It was a little different from a typical transported to another world setting, but after some bickering, "Mom wants go on an adventure together with Maa-kun. Can mom become Maa-kun's companion?" With that, Masato and Mamako began their adventure as a mother and son pair. They met Porta, a cute traveling merchant, and Wise, a regrettable philosopher. Along with their new party members, Masato and co. start on their journey.



.hack 2002


.hack follows several young players as they navigate the vast, mysterious MMORPG known as “The World” – a place, it turns out, that is sometimes impossible to leave.


Demon Lord, Retry!

Demon Lord, Retry! 2019


Akira Oono awakens in the body of his online character: Demon Lord Hakuto Kunai. With powerful game mechanics and abilities on his side, this gamer turned badass plots his course through a new world filled with saints, demons, and charming companions!


In the Land of Leadale

In the Land of Leadale 2022


Due to a terrible accident, Keina Kagami is forced to live on life support in order to survive. The only way for her to be free is within the VRMMORPG "Leadale." One day, her life support stops functioning, and Keina loses her life. But when she wakes up, she finds herself in the world of Leadale 200 years in the future. She is now the half-elf Cayna, who possesses lost skills and OP statuses and becomes closer to the other inhabitants of this world. But among those inhabitants happen to be the "children" she made in character creation?!


A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life

A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life 2023


Taichi Tanaka is just an ordinary 38-year-old who enjoys video games. He starts a new virtual reality multiplayer game called One More Free Life Online, naming his character Earth. Unlike his fellow players, he decides to master the most menial of skills in the game. He cooks the finest meals, overbrews complicated potions, and hunts monsters with handmade weapons. His fantasy life begins!


Infinite Dendrogram

Infinite Dendrogram 2020


In the year 2043, Infinite Dendrogram, the world's first successful full-dive VRMMO was released. In addition to its ability to perfectly simulate the five senses, along with its many other amazing features, the game promised to offer players a world full of infinite possibilities. Nearly two years later, soon-to-be college freshman, Reiji Mukudori, is finally able to buy a copy of the game and start playing. With some help from his experienced older brother, Shuu, and his partner Embryo, Reiji embarks on an adventure into the world of Infinite Dendrogram.


She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man

She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man 2022


Kagami Sakamori was one of the top players in the VRMMO Ark Earth Online as Danblf, a veteran summoner with the gravitas to match his elite status. When he falls asleep playing one day, he's transported to a world where the game is reality—but instead of his all-powerful avatar, he's stuck in the body of a cute young girl! He can't let anyone know that this little cutie is really Danblf, so he takes the name “Mira” and claims to be Danblf's disciple. If this gets out, he'll never live it down!


Gundam Build Divers

Gundam Build Divers 2018


Gunpla Battle Nexus Online (GBN) is a network game that lets people have adventures with their Gunpla in a virtual cyberspace dimension. Middle-school students Riku Mikami and Yukio Hidaka recruit their classmate Momoka Yashiro and dive together into this vast world. Becoming "Divers," or inhabitants of GBN, they meet a mysterious girl named Sarah who has an amazing sensitivity to Gunpla. As they meet new friends and allies, the force known as Build Divers is born!


The Ones Within

The Ones Within 2019


Iride Akatsuki and seven other charismatic game streamers wake up in the world of a mysterious free-to-play game called Naka no Hito Genome. Now they are competing in real-life games with life-or-death stakes, but clearing several game tasks could earn them 100 million lives.


Gundam Build Metaverse

Gundam Build Metaverse 2023


A new Internet service has been born in the world of Gunpla. Within the Metaverse realm, the user can control their own avatar, interact with other users, play Gunpla Battle, and purchase actual Gunpla. Rio Hojo is a boy who has dived into this new world. Studying Gunpla building techniques in the real world with Seria Urutuski, and absorbing Gunpla Battle know-how from Mask Lady in the Metaverse world, he has been honing his skills day by day. After completing his own original Gunpla, the Lah Gundam, Rio happens to encounter some past champions of Gunpla Battle in the Metaverse realm.


A Wild Last Boss Appeared!

A Wild Last Boss Appeared! 1970


The year is 2800 and Lufas Maphaahl—The Black-Winged Tyrant, Great Conqueror, and leader of the Twelve Heavenly Stars—has returned. A man wakes up in the body of his MMO character 200 years after her defeat during an player-made event in the game, Exgate Online. Now, he's stuck in her body. But this isn't a game, it's real. With her reign long over, and her legacy one of fear, Lufas must journey through the world of Exgate, looking for answers, possible comrades, and all the monsters her "death" unleashed upon the world...