Samotne wilki

Samotne wilki 2024


Ścieżki dwóch załatwiaczy krzyżują się, gdy obaj zostają wezwani do zatuszowania błędu prominentnej nowojorskiej polityczki. Na jedną burzliwą noc muszą odłożyć na bok wzajemną niechęć – i swoje ego – aby dokończyć robotę.



Demaskator 2022


Travis Block jest rządowym agentem do zadań specjalnych. Gdy planuje zasłużoną emeryturę, przypadkowo odkrywa spisek, na czele którego stoi sam szef FBI. Wszystko, w co Travis dotąd wierzył, chwieje się w posadach. Jedyny jego cel to dotrzeć do prawdy. Aby to zrobić, bohater musi zmierzyć się z przeszłością i stawić czoło śmiertelnemu zagrożeniu, bowiem na celowniku znalazł się nie tylko on, ale również jego bliscy.


Wzloty i upadki Normana

Wzloty i upadki Normana 2016


Norman Oppenheimer wiedzie w Nowym Jorku samotne życie na marginesie wpływów, władzy i pieniędzy starając się utrzymywać przyjacielskie kontakty ze wszystkimi. Prowadzi to do nikąd. Do czasu... w końcu zaprzyjaźnia się z młodym, charyzmatycznym politykiem Micha Eshel znajdującym się dopiero u progu kariery. Trzy lata później polityk jest już Premierem Izraela. Noran wykorzystuje jego nazwisko do przeprowadzenia największego interesu w życiu - dochodzi do swoistego quid pro quo - serią transakcji powiązani zostają Premier, siostrzeniec Normana, rabin, magnat, jego asystent i wysoki urzędnik skarbowy z Wybrzeża Kości Słoniowej. Plany Normana oczywiście przybierają niezgodny z jego intencjami obrót prowadząc do międzynarodowego skandalu i katastrofy. Norman musi zrobić wszystko by im zapobiec, a odkręcenie intrygi wcale nie jest proste. Wzloty i upadki Normana to słodko-gorzki dramat o ludzkich ambicjach i słabościach.



Scandal 2012


Everyone has secrets and Olivia Pope has dedicated her life to protecting and defending the public images of the elite by keeping those secrets under wraps. Pope and her team are at the top of their game when it comes to getting the job done for their clients, but it becomes apparent that these "gladiators in suits," who specialize in fixing the lives of other people, have trouble fixing those closest at hand -- their own.


Ray Donovan

Ray Donovan 2013


Set in the sprawling mecca of the rich and famous, Ray Donovan does the dirty work for LA's top power players, and makes their problems disappear. His father's unexpected release from prison sets off a chain of events that shakes the Donovan family to its core.



Hustle 2004


A motley group of London con artists pull of a series of daring and intricate stings.



Rush 2014


Dr. William Rush is not your average on-call doctor. He's not attached to any hospital, he's highly discreet no matter what the ailment as long as the client can pay his cash-only premium and the doctor can party with the best of them. He has no desire to change his life or how he lives it, until an old flame and his conscience begin to stir things up.



Notorious 2016


Follows the professional and personal relationship between a charismatic attorney and a powerhouse television producer as they attempt to control the media, the justice system, and ultimately - each other...



MobLand 2025


Power is up for grabs as the Harrigans and Stevensons, two warring London crime families, clash in a kill-or-be-killed battle that threatens to topple empires and ruin lives. Caught in the crossfire is Harry Da Souza, the street-smart 'fixer' as dangerous as he is handsome, who knows too well where loyalties lie when opposing forces collide. As kingdom goes up against kingdom, lines will be crossed - and the only saving grace is a bet-your-life guarantee: family above everything.


Reef Break

Reef Break 2019


Cat Chambers is a thief-turned-fixer for the governor of a stunning and seductive Pacific Island paradise. Impulsive, reckless, and irresistible, Cat's less-than-perfect past gives her an instinctive gift for understanding crime and criminals as she becomes enmeshed in fast-paced, high-octane adventures and island intrigue.


Tattoo Fixers Extreme

Tattoo Fixers Extreme 2015


A number of the UK's most talented tattoo designers help clients transform their tattoo mistakes into works of art. It is estimated that one in six British people who opt to go under the needle later regret their decision. Outrageous artwork, inappropriate quotes or the name of an ex-partner can be chosen in haste but the results are permanent. The talented inkers meet desperate customers at a pop-up studio for their consultations. After the meeting, the client chooses whose design ideas they like best and the artist gets to work. When the session is over, the new tattoos are revealed.


House of the Owl

House of the Owl 2024


At the height of his career and powers, Japan's master fixer, who has guided politicians and business heads through some of Japan's biggest scandals, discovers that fixing his family is harder than fixing a country.