
Kontakt 1997


Ellie Arroway przez całe swoje życie szukała odpowiedzi na temat pozaziemskiej cywilizacji. Pewnego ranka odbiera sygnał radiowy z odległej gwiazdy Vega. Zawiera on szczegółowe plany międzygalaktycznego pojazdu, mogącego przetransportować pasażerów w odległą przestrzeń kosmiczną. Ellie chce, by to właśnie ona była osobą, która samotnie opuści Ziemię, aby badać obce galaktyki w celu odnalezienia źródła tajemniczego sygnału oraz, jako pierwszy człowiek, nawiązać kontakt z jego nadawcą. Ale jej osobista podróż zaprowadzi ją poza granice teorii, wiedzy, doświadczenia, aż do uświadomienia sobie, że prawdziwa wizja jest ostatecznie połączeniem faktów i wiary.


Asteroid City

Asteroid City 2023


Asteroid City to pustynne miasteczko w południowo-zachodniej części Stanów Zjednoczonych. Jest rok 1955. Najsłynniejszą atrakcją miasta jest gigantyczny krater meteorytowy i pobliskie obserwatorium astronomiczne. W ten weekend wojsko i astronomowie zapraszają pięcioro dzieci, które zdobyły nagrody naukowe, aby zaprezentowały swoje wynalazki. Niedaleko, nad wzgórzami, widać chmury grzybów po testach atomowych. To, co zaczyna się jako uroczystość na cześć osiągnięć uczniów, dostaje nieoczekiwanego gościa: kosmitę. Asteroid City zostaje zamknięte, a wojsko wymyśla fałszywą przykrywkę, ale przedwcześnie dojrzali geniusze, w sposób, który przywodzi na myśl młodzież z klasyków Spielberga, mają plan, aby przekazać wiadomość światu zewnętrznemu.



Czasobrazy 2012


Wielokrotnie nagradzany reżyser i operator Tom Lowe w swoim debiutanckim filmie zabiera nas w świat południowo-zachodniej Ameryki, gdzie bez zbędnej narracji możemy podziwiać tamtejsze krajobrazy, przyrodę i mieszkańców.


Wszechświat Oliviera

Wszechświat Oliviera 2024


Rok 1985. Olivier, młody chłopak o niezwykle bogatej wyobraźni, przeprowadza się wraz z rodzina na najbardziej wysunięty na południe skrawek Europy. Dzieje się to dokładnie w momencie, kiedy na niebie ma się pojawić Kometa Halleya. Wydarzenia ta bardzo mocno wpływają na życie Oliviera, który w gwiazdach zaczął szukać odpowiedzi na wszystkie trapiące go problemy.


Max Minsky i ja

Max Minsky i ja 2007


Nelly Sue bez pamięci zakochana jest w luksemburskim księciu Eduardzie. Kiedy dowiaduje się, że jej szkolna drużyna koszykarska dostała zaproszenie od księcia na rozgrywki do Luksemburga, postanawia zrobić wszystko, by opanować grę zespołową i dostać się do zespołu.


The Universe

The Universe 2007


From the planets to the stars and out to the edge of the unknown, history and science collide in a wondrous yet deadly adventure through space and time.


How the Universe Works

How the Universe Works 2010


A users' guide to the cosmos, from the Big Bang to galaxies, stars, planets and moons: where did it all come from and how does it all fit together? A primer for anyone who has ever looked up at the night sky and wondered.



Cosmos 2014


Famed astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson provides clarity for the vision of the cosmos as he voyages across the universe with never-before-told stories that delve into the scientific concepts of the laws of gravity and the origins of space and time.


The Planets

The Planets 2019


Professor Brian Cox explores the dramatic lives of the eight majestic planets/worlds that make up our solar system.


Insomniacs After School

Insomniacs After School 2023


Ganta Nakami is a high school student who suffers from insomnia. He meets Isaki Magari, a girl with the same condition. A relationship forms as they share a secret and catch up on their sleep in their school’s abandoned observatory.


Alien Worlds

Alien Worlds 2020


Applying the laws of life on Earth to the rest of the galaxy, this series blends science fact and fiction to imagine alien life on other planets.


Children Of The Stars

Children Of The Stars 2014


This series travels through Latin America to view ancient temples devoted to astronomical pursuits, and to visit present day observatories.


At the Mercy of the Sky

At the Mercy of the Sky 2009


Saku Oyagi returns to his old hometown in order to start school at Soei High School. On the first day, he runs into an old childhood friend: a second year named Mihoshi Akeno. As children, the two used to play together, with Mihoshi, or Mii-chan, being extremely fond of astronomy. After convincing Saku to join the school's astronomy club, another girl, Hime Makita, joins the club in hopes of winning over Saku. This is the story of the 6 club members of the Soei High School Astronomy Club as they soar through their lives, each maturing and changing their outlooks on life.


Cosmos: A Personal Voyage

Cosmos: A Personal Voyage 1980


Carl Sagan covers a wide range of scientific subjects, including the origin of life and a perspective of our place in the universe.


The First

The First 2018


Follow the first human mission to Mars, exploring the challenges of taking the first steps toward interplanetary colonization. The story focuses not only on the astronauts, but also on their families and loved ones, as well as the ground team on Earth.


Crash Course Astronomy

Crash Course Astronomy 2015


The series breaks down complicated astronomy concepts in an easy to understand way using animation and narration by astronomer Phil Plait.


Asteroid in Love

Asteroid in Love 2020


In a fateful childhood encounter, Mira Kinohata met a stargazing dreamer named Ao Manaka. Though their time together was short, Ao showed Mira the wonders of astronomy, from orbiting planets to distant stars. Before they parted, Mira learned that a star with her name exists, but there are none with Ao's. And so, she forged a promise: one day, she would discover a new asteroid and name it after Ao. Years later, Mira is still fascinated with astronomy. Now in high school at Hoshizaki Academy, she tries to join the Astronomy Club. Unfortunately, she finds out that the club has been merged with the Geology Club to form a single Earth Sciences Club. She joins this new club and finds a pleasant surprise—she reunites with Ao after years of separation. Alongside their new clubmates, Mira and Ao begin their journey together to fulfill their promise. How hard could it possibly be to find an asteroid?


The Entire History of the Universe

The Entire History of the Universe 2021


The Entire History of the Universe (or History of the Universe) is a YouTube channel with a simple, if ambitious aim: to tell the story of how our universe began, grew, and will grow for trillions of years to come. Started by David Kelly, the joint creator behind History of the Earth and Voices of the Past (with his brother Pete Kelly, creator of History Time and the other “History Brother”), History of the Universe is based out of Spain. But David is English. Inspired by Cosmos and BBC´s long running Horizon series, our aim is to convey how wild our universe is on the largest and smallest scales, in a way that is understandable to anyone.


Uzay Evren ve Biz

Uzay Evren ve Biz 2013


A science talk-show mainly focused on astronomy and space topics. Bi-weekly aired on Wednesdays.


Man and the Moon

Man and the Moon 2019


A scientific and historical mini-series looking at the relationship between human beings and the moon.


Starry Sky

Starry Sky 2010


The protagonist, Tsukiko Yahisa, enrolled to a school that was recently changed from all-boys school to co-ed. Since the area where the school is conveniently rural and the rather exclusive curriculums the school has, up until now the protagonist is the only one female who enrolled to the school. In Starry Sky, the 13 constellations of the Zodiac are personified into handsome young men. The anime will be directed by Kiyomo Sayaka who worked with Vampire Knight. Similar to Hetalia - Axis Powers, Starry Sky's anime will be distributed through the Animate.tv website and other means.


Stargazing Live

Stargazing Live 2017


Professor Brian Cox and Julia Zemiro will be joined by scientists and personalities to inspire Australia to explore our solar system. Live from Siding Spring Observatory they will tackle astronomy's most intriguing questions.



Brille 2013


Brille is a humor-based quiz show where some of Norways best known comedians get to work on seemingly impossible tasks and questions. The answers are often as unexpected and funny as the panel's train of thought.



Superquark 1995


Television program of cultural diffusion, born in September 1995, designed and conducted by Piero Angela, development of transmission appreciated Quark.