
Uciekaj! 2017


Wstrząsający thriller "Uciekaj!" to historia młodego czarnoskórego chłopaka, Chrisa Washingtona (Daniel Kaluuya), który wybiera się z zapoznawczą wizytą do posiadłości rodziców jego białej dziewczyny, Rose Armitage (Allison Williams). Szybko orientuje się, że atmosfera domu jest, mówiąc delikatnie, dziwna. Nie spodziewa się jednak, że powodem zaproszenia nie jest wyłącznie chęć poznania go przez rodziców Rose. Chris wierzy, że nerwowa atmosfera panująca w domu Armitage'ów wynika z przyczyn rasowych. Niedługo jednak odkryje zadziwiającą prawdę. Prawdę, jakiej nie mógł się spodziewać.


Doktor Strange

Doktor Strange 2016


‌Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) jest aroganckim i ambitnym neurochirurgiem. Jego życie wywraca się do góry nogami, gdy w wypadku samochodowym doznaje kontuzji rąk. Po nieudanych próbach wyleczenia szuka porady u Jonathana (Benjamin Bratt), który zdołał uleczyć się po złamaniu kręgosłupa. Zgodnie z jego wskazówkami Strange udaje się w okolice Katmandu, gdzie poznaje uczniów Wonga (Benedict Wong) i Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor) oraz mistrza Przedwiecznego (Tilda Swinton). Wkrótce Strange odkrywa w sobie potężną moc.


Cudowne ręce: Opowieść o Benie Carsonie

Cudowne ręce: Opowieść o Benie Carsonie 2009


Historia Bena Carsona (Cuba Gooding Jr.), najsłynniejszego neurochirurga świata. Opowieść o życiu pełnym wzlotów i upadków, o niesamowitym poświęceniu i talencie. Matka Bena wychowywała sama dwójkę dzieci, a w domu często brakowało pieniędzy. Carson pozbawiony wszelkich wzorców do naśladowania stał się najgorszym uczniem w szkole i nieukiem. Jednakże dzięki pomocy matki szybko odkrył w sobie duże zdolności i udowodnił, że można osiągnąć wielkie rzeczy jeśli się tylko tego naprawdę bardzo chce.


Granice bólu

Granice bólu 2012


Poszukując rozwiązania dla swojego poważnego stanu zdrowia, David, znany neurochirurg, odkrywa złowrogi sekret ukryty w przeszłości.



Chocolate 2019


Brought together by meaningful meals in the past and present, a doctor and a chef are reacquainted when they begin working at a hospice ward.


Body of Proof

Body of Proof 2011


Dr. Megan Hunt was in a class of her own, a brilliant neurosurgeon at the top of her game. But her world is turned upside down when a devastating car accident puts an end to her time in the operating room. Megan resumes her career as a medical examiner, determined to solve the puzzle of who or what killed the victims.


Mayfair Witches

Mayfair Witches 2023


An intuitive young neurosurgeon discovers that she is the unlikely heir to a family of witches. As she grapples with her newfound powers, she must contend with a sinister presence that has haunted her family for generations.


Have a Crush On You

Have a Crush On You 2023


Ruan Liuzheng returns to her hometown after seven years, and becomes a neurosurgeon at Beiya Hospital. However, she didn't expect to meet her ex-husband, Ning Zhiqian, who is the most experienced neurosurgeon. Ruan Liuzheng is no longer the weak and timid girl, and she shows resolute and determination in both her work and relationship. When they were in Africa to execute medical relief efforts, Ning Zhiqian was injured in a gunshot. Ruan Liuzheng didn't leave his side, and fought hard to save him from the brink of death. The two have gained a new understanding of life, and begun a new relationship again.


The Bold Ones: The New Doctors

The Bold Ones: The New Doctors 1969


The Bold Ones: The New Doctors is an American medical drama that lasted for four seasons on NBC, from 1969 to 1973.


Black Box

Black Box 2014


Catherine Black is a world-famous neurologist at the state-of-the-art medical institution known as "The Cube". Catherine is brilliant, beautiful, and at the top of her game, though she's hiding a secret of her own: she's bipolar. Each week, the doctors on staff attempt to unravel the mysteries of the brain and are constantly challenged by cases never-before-seen on television. The medical stories are moving, bizarre and a visual feast. The personal stories are riveting. The patients have rare, highly visual, often hallucinogenic and startling conditions, which we’ll see through their eyes as Catherine diagnoses and treats them.


Do No Harm

Do No Harm 2013


Jason Cole, a brilliant neurosurgeon has to battle with his own alter-ego, Ian Price, in order to live a normal life in this modern take on Jekyll and Hyde.



Monroe 2011


Monroe is a brilliant and unusual neurosurgeon. A flawed genius who never lets anyone forget his flaws or his genius. Each episode will feature one compelling story of the week about life or death situations. The drama will focus on the way in which a serious injury or disease cuts across the lives of everyone involved, from hospital staff to patients to relatives. And how that group become, in an intense few days, a reluctant dysfunctional family united by hopes, fears and grief. At the centre of this stands Monroe, his trainees, his anaesthetist and his poker school - and his female colleague, heart surgeon, Jenny Bremner, who has contempt for his cockiness. The series will tell heightened emotional stories and be shot through with dark humour and portray the pressures and pleasures of high-end surgery in a modern urban hospital.