The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 1910


An early version of the classic, based more on the 1902 stage musical than on the original novel.


Wives of the Rich

Wives of the Rich 1916


John Grant, capitalist, is devoted to his wife, but is obliged to curtail her weekly allowance because of her fondness for cards. Robert Baker, a wealthy bachelor, is a great admirer of Mrs. Grant and calls frequently. Finding that her allowance is not enough for her losses at cards, Mrs. Grant, incited by society friends, deceives her husband in the hope of gaining more pocket money. Mrs. Grant loses a hundred dollars at cards, and she gives her I.O.U. to Mrs. Condon, the hostess.


Through Another Man's Eyes

Through Another Man's Eyes 1913


A young man addicted to liquor; he becomes a drunkard and later a felon. After serving time he returns to his home and, looking through a window, sees his old-time sweetheart married to the worthy man she should have married.


Getting a Start in Life

Getting a Start in Life 1915


Old Si Spunk is dying, and leaves his shack and acres in Montana to Elizabeth Spunk, his niece, in the East. A cowboy finds a photograph of a fierce looking old maid with the name "Elizabeth Spunk" on the back. Thinking this is the niece, Tom and Jerry, two of the cowboys, hit upon an idea to drive her out of the country.


Garrison's Finish

Garrison's Finish 1914


Billy Garrison, a successful young jockey, rides the favorite "Sis" in the Louisville Derby. He does not ride with his customary vigor and dash. He feels "doped" and entirely out of condition and as a consequence "Sis," instead of winning the race, trails in last under the wire. At the stables he is accused of throwing the race, but denies it.


The Primitive Way

The Primitive Way 1915


Mildred Manning is the spoiled daughter of wealthy parents. She has a host of admirers, but does not permit them to become serious. Jimmie Blake, who frequents the household more than anybody else, is a rattle-brained young chap who fancies that he is in love with Mildred and insists that he wants her to marry him. Mildred jokes him and refuses to take him seriously.


The Red Blood of Courage

The Red Blood of Courage 1915


Professor Duane, an ethnologist, and his assistant, Roscoe Harding, plan a journey into the wilds of Hindustan. Harding is in love with Lydia, the daughter of Professor Duane, and they are engaged to be married. Lieutenant Tavish, a British army officer, is attracted to Lydia and plans to take her away from Harding by fair means or foul.


The Cowboy and the Shrew

The Cowboy and the Shrew 1911


Hank Wilson, a good-natured cow puncher, loves a rancher's daughter, and finally musters up courage enough to make known his love. She looks upon the matter as a joke, and coquettishly furnishes him considerable annoyance.


Little Orphant Annie

Little Orphant Annie 1918


Annie, left orphaned after the death of her mother, goes to live in an orphanage where she tells her fellow orphans stories of ghosts and goblins. The matron of the orphanage finds Annie's closest relative, the abusive Uncle Thomp. Her uncle who puts her to hard work doing hard labor on his farm, belittling her all the while. Big Dave, a neighbor and tough cow-poke sees this and comes to her aid. Dave becomes her protector. Eventually Annie goes to live with Squire Goode and his large family. There, she entertains the children of the household with her stories, but sees her abusive aunt and uncle as her chief tormentors. She tells stories of how the goblins will take away the children if they are not good. Each story she tells is illustrated. War breaks out and Dave, who Annie adores, enlists. Uncle Thomp, hearing that Dave has been killed in action, takes pleasure in telling Annie the news. Broken-hearted, Annie falls ill and dies in bed, surrounded by family.


With the Aid of the Law

With the Aid of the Law 1915


Lee Russell, a young business man, leaves the city for a vacation sojourn in the mountains. Jeff Smith and Joe Butler run a moonshine still in the mountains and Jeff is in love with Butler's daughter, Rose, but the love is not returned. Lee Russell, seen near the still by Jeff and Butler, is shot by Jeff and wounded.


His Fighting Blood

His Fighting Blood 1915


In the mountains and hills of Kentucky, a feud has raged for many years between the McTriggers and the Sampsons. In vain did the authorities intervene, threaten arrests and endeavor to patch up the mimic war; all these efforts were of no avail.


The False Order

The False Order 1913


The sensational crux of jealous revenge in "The False Order" is a head-on collision of two enormous locomotives. A realistic effect that heavily discounts any stage device ever materialized to thrill.


The Lad and the Lion

The Lad and the Lion 1917


While on vacation from college, William Bankinton is shipwrecked. His mind a blank, he is picked up by a derelict ship upon which there are only a lion and a stowaway named Broot. After Broot commits suicide, Bankinton and the lion are cast adrift upon the shores of Africa where they exist in a primitive state for several months.


Beware of Strangers

Beware of Strangers 1917


Beware of Strangers is a 1917 American silent drama film directed by Colin Campbell


Back to the Primitive

Back to the Primitive 1911


John Wilton cables his sister Helen in London to leave for South Africa via S.S. China and apprises her of the fact that Lord Thurlow sails on the same ship and is to act as her escort. At the same time telling her he will meet them at Cape Town. After a hurried preparation for the departure the long journey is begun. Lord Thurlow is attentive to his charge that he may fulfill the wishes of his friend and confidant, John Wilton. Will Carson, a fellow passenger aboard, much admires the young and handsome Helen and seeks an introduction through the ship officer. The admiration becomes mutual and they are seen on the promenade deck enjoying fresh sea air. Their action causes much uneasiness on the part of Lord Thurlow, who interferes in the discharge of his duty, and is in turn insulted by Will, much to the disgust of Helen, who regrets the publicity of the incident. The approaching storm rivets the attention of all on board and for a time the unfortunate affair is forgotten.


The White Mouse

The White Mouse 1914


Billy Silver, a young trapper, lives with his wife and little baby up in the region of the snows. Billy is energetic and finds trapping profitable. One morning while he is out examining his traps, the cabin catches fire. In the distance he hears the cries of his wife for help, and hastening to the scene as rapidly as he can