Vladimir Pekar Animated Soviet Propaganda The Adventures of Buratino A Mouse and a Camel Umka Is Looking for a Friend Treasures of the Sunken Ships The Adventures of the Young Pioneers Umka Ara, bara, pooh! Legends of Peruvian Indians Letters From The Radio Operator's Box Talking Hands of Travancore Tribal Law At the Pike's Behest At the Pike's Behest AyAyAy! Riddle of the Sphinx Either a Bird or an Animal Baba-Yaga Against! Riddle of the Sphinx Love in a Cottage Dog and Cat Adventures of the Cossack Aeneas Tale After Tale It Happened in Winter Road to Eternity Road to Eternity Грибок-теремок The Origin of Species Give Me Back My Rex A Live Toy Vasilisa the Beautiful Wash-'em-Clean Зеркальце Brave Pak The Cat's House The Paintjackers The Most, the Most, the Most И смех и грех Жёлтик The Secret of the Far Away Island Monkey From the Island of Sarugashima Greetings to Our Friends Tribal Law Verlioka Old Precepts Слонёнок Snezhnyye Dorozhki Carrier Fish What Kind of Bird Is This? Run, Run, the Little Stream Peace To Your Home It Happened in Winter Sportland Little Shego The First Violin The Signature Is Illegible The Brave Little Deer