José Torres The Masked Man Against the Pirates Any Gun Can Play Exposed Bloody Che Contra I Am Sartana Your Angel of Death Django, Prepare a Coffin Face to Face Death Rides a Horse Big Boss Premier bal Gold Train The Devil Who Limped Durango Is Coming, Pay or Die Shoot Joe, and Shoot Again Ramon the Mexican Death Is Sweet From the Soldier Of God Django Challenges Sartana Seven Golden Men Strike Again Emmanuelle on Taboo Island And His Name Was Holy Ghost Return of the Holy Ghost The Tigers of Mompracem Rome, 1585 Go For Broke Two Gangsters in the Wild West Miranda Regresa El regreso de Sabina Degueyo Children of the Salt Zamora, tierra y hombres libres Pandemonium, the Hell's Capital City Tepepa Wild 90 Beyond the Law The Beautiful Otero Compañero de viaje El poder negro (Black power) I Am Semiramis Io e Dio Florentino y el diablo Taur the Mighty Run, Man, Run Fürchte dich nicht, Jakob! A la salida nos vemos Margarita se llama mi amor Un viaje de novios Poker with Pistols Maidstone Why Go On Killing? The 5-Man Army Se llamaba SN Trampa inocente María del Llano Igualito a su papá Pantano en el cielo Interferencia The Human Tornado Ka Ina