Pio Corradi Von Werra Gripsholm Embers Ernesto Che Guevara, the Bolivian Diary Winterstadt Volksmund - oder man ist, was man isst Thomas Hirschhorn – Gramsci Monument The Knowledge of Healing Regilaul - Songs of the Ancient Sea Il vento di settembre Grüningers Fall Dieter Roth Dimitri - Clown The Art Foundry Markus Raetz Meier 19 Urs Fischer Walter Pfeiffer: Chasing Beauty Four In Time The Substance: Albert Hofmann's LSD The Congress of Penguins Das Frankenburger Würfelspiel – Die Geschichte einer Aneignung Thebes in the shadow of the tomb Alpine Fire Tennessee Nights In the Garden of Sounds William Tell Small Freedom Journeys Into the Interior Pure Charcoal Ur-Musig Ultima Thule - Eine Reise an den Rand der Welt Umbruch TransAtlantique Ludwig Hohl - Ein Film in Fragmenten Vitus Echoes of Home He Called Himself Surava Passion - Between Revolt and Resignation Donusa Liebe und Zufall Hirnbrennen Ein Zufall im Paradies Candy Mountain Feu, fumée, saucisse