Marcel Maupi Cocoanut The Picador Bad Seed Roger la Honte Mam'zelle Nitouche Love and Cool Water Pleasures of Paris L'Article 382 La dactylo se marie Toboggan Le Secret d'une nuit Le Chéri de sa concierge Ferdinand the Roisterer Dawn Over France Coup de vent The Kings of Sport Un scandale aux Galeries La course à la vertu In Venice, One Night Blanchette L'Ange du foyer Balthazar The New Rich Sideral Cruises The Tamer Those of the Sky Berlingot and Company Twisted Mistress L'Arlésienne Her First Affair Premier bal Parade in 7 Nights Sins of Youth The Benefactor Second Childhood Happy Go Lucky Last Desire President Haudecoeur Le Roi des galéjeurs La Chèvre d'or Immortal France Malaria Whims Voyage Without Hope The Well-Digger's Daughter The Bride of Darkness Le gardian L'Aventure de Cabassou The King of Dodgers La Parade du rire The Marriage of Ramuntcho Colomba False Identity One Night at the Tabarin Le voleur se porte bien The Red Signal Two Loves La vie est un rêve Tartarin of Tarascon La Dame de chez Maxim's Heartbeat The Strange Monsieur Victor The Baker's Wife They Were Five César First Offence Fanny The New Rich The Wonderful Day The Twins of Brighton Forty Little Mothers Hoboes in Paradise Dance House The Lafleur Cavalryman The Last One of the Six Mirages of Paris Une femme coupée en morceaux Camp Thirteen Truant School Le sexe faible