Hisataka Kai The Kanto Region Is Also Expanding Story of Japanese Chivalry: Flower of a Chivalrous Man Like Fire is My Life The Stragglers The Dragon and the Tiger Bōkyō no umi Thanks for the Tears Namari o buchikome Immortal Guy World War III Breaks Out Feisty Edo Girl Nakanori-san Black Strait Eyes of Mother and Daughter 新遊侠伝 The Reckless One Return to Kanto Prison 100 Gamblers Fearless Comrades Tiger of the Sea Cruel Gun Story The Rule for a Vagabond The Symbol of a Man The Flower and the Sword Fight of the Gamblers The Dragon Crest The Scarred Crest The Man's Crest: I Shall Kill Ryuji's Journey: The Crest of Man Red Glass Birth of a Fighter A Man's Crest: Fight Challenge Pleasant Company Speed Crazy Otoko no chiheisen Nageta daisu ga ashita o yobu