Silvio Laurenzi Assault on the State Treasure La Commare Secca The Arena Saturday, Sunday and Friday The Cop in Blue Jeans Gang War in Milan The Case of the Bloody Iris Fashion Crimes Il Figlioccio del padrino Let's Make It Clear Torso Mezzo destro mezzo sinistro - 2 calciatori senza pallone A Man Called Magnum Agenzia Riccardo Finzi... praticamente detective School Teacher in College Massimamente folle Craving Desire Madman at War Paolo il freddo I'll Be Going Now Prickly Pears At the Sports Bar Dio li fa poi li accoppia Throne of Fire Night Nurse Manhunt in the City Uno contro l'altro, praticamente amici Il commissario Lo Gatto My Father's Private Secretary Hot Potato The Loves of Lady Chatterley Gay Salomé Taste of the Sea 2: One Year Later Taste of the Sea Prima le donne e i bambini The Lady Medic Confessions of a Lady Cop The Soldier with Great Maneuvers The Nurse on a Military Tour School Teacher in the House A Policewoman on the Porno Squad Cream Horn The Wife on Vacation... The Lover in Town Sugar, Honey and Pepper Emanuelle's Silver Tongue The Family Vice The Nosy One The Cynic, the Rat & the Fist Brothers Till We Die Un centesimo di secondo L'immoralità Mia moglie è una bestia An Ideal Adventure Beyond Justice Spasmo The Final Scoop The Flower with Petals of Steel Seven Blood-Stained Orchids A Black Ribbon for Deborah All the Colors of the Dark Knife of Ice Fatal Frames The Smile of the Fox Terra bruciata Teresa Free Hand for a Tough Cop Destruction Force Malombra Malombra Zero in condotta Dirty Love 2: The Love Games Una donna per tutti Le ragazze di Miss Italia DeKronos - Il Demone del Tempo Return of the Saint