Vladimir Popov Animated Soviet Propaganda The Adventures of Buratino Bobik Visiting Barbos Three from Prostokvashino Adventures of Vasia Kurolesov Vacations in Prostokvashino Winter in Prostokvashino Umka Is Looking for a Friend Treasures of the Sunken Ships The Adventures of the Young Pioneers Umka Adventures of Vasia Kurolesov At the Pike's Behest Magic Store SOS Tale After Tale It Happened in Winter The Origin of Species Академик Иванов Give Me Back My Rex Rainbow Sherlock Holmes and I From Two to Five From Two to Five The Twelve Months Wash-'em-Clean Зеркальце The Paintjackers About the Gnome Which Left the Home С бору по сосенке Жёлтик Слонёнок Peace To Your Home It Happened in Winter