Galina Makarova Take Alive One True Love Варварин день Misty Shores Seven Days of Nadezhda After the Fair Chocolate Riot Farewell of a Slav Woman There is No Third Eastern Corridor Last Escape Свидание Last Year's Quadrille Summer Impressions of the Planet Z White Dew Curfew The Garden of Desires Alpine Ballad Secret Ballot Summer Is Gone ... Widows Сергеев ищет Сергеева Весенние грозы Storm Warning Ivan Proceed to the investigation. Film 1: Version Autumn Dreams Рассказы о юности Руины стреляют... Строгая женщина Young Wife Pass On Who Should Live in Russia Due to a Transfer to Another Job There's a Sharp Turn Ahead War is Raging Somewhere If You Want - Love, if You Want - Don't... Distraction for the Soul Exercise with Three Unknowns Fruza Деревья на асфальте Bread В профиль и анфас (Киноальманах) Unknown Soldier Protivostoyanie