Françoise Brion Rosebud Nelly and Monsieur Arnaud Attack of the Robots Sweet and Sour A Game for Six Lovers The Denunciation Very Happy Alexander Housewarming L'Immortelle Follow My Gaze And Satan Calls the Turns The Salary of Crime The Blonde from Peking She Is Conann The Other Side of the Mirror The First Day of the Rest of Your Life Nathalie Vincennes Neuilly Nea De cuerpo presente The Suns of Easter Island Katia Isabelle Eberhardt Love Me Strangely That Night Focal Point The Temptation of Isabelle The Track Family Jewels The French Game Women Are Like That Ladies' Man Le Début de la fin The Frog Prince Caravan to Vaccarès The French Detective The Mysterious Death of Nina Chereau A Young World Le Bel Âge To Grab the Ring The Vertical Smile Attention, the Kids Are Watching Witness in the City Rue du Bac Codine The Dance of Death Give Me My Chance Le Divorce Portuguese Vacation Tales of Paris The Erasers Der Chauffeur von Madame Toutes les femmes sont des déesses Madame Sourdis Lars Norén - dramatiker Dim Dam Dom Les Hordes Mistral's Daughter Cinépanorama Tarendol Dangerous Liaisons