Kiyoshi Kawamura Oshidori kenkagasa That Night's Adventure Wrestling-Ring Festival 柳生の兄弟 疾風からす隊 お役者小僧 慶安水滸傳 快盗三人吉三 美男天狗党 Denshichi Torimonocho: Tattoo Woman Trouble Izayoi kaidō Kurama Tengu: Anonymous letter to Tengu 八州遊侠伝 白鷺三味線 The Missing Heir Denshichi Torimonocho: Vampire Spider 振袖釼法 お役者小僧 江戸千両幟 荒木又右衛門 若き日の千葉周作 Travels of Lord Mito Pt.9 Thus the Divine Wind Blows A Baby Given by a Fox The Further Adventures of Genta 大江戸出世双六 The Bride and the Treasure Namida no hanamichi 花笠太鼓 Song of Love 続二等兵物語 決戦体制の巻 Nitōhei monogatari: Shindara kami-sama no maki Nitōhei monogatari: Aa senyū no maki Nitōhei monogatari: Banji yōryō no maki Pfc. Story - The Divine Tempest 神変美女桜 Denshichi Torimonocho: Mad Skullwoman A Country Boss The Phantom Cat Denshichi Torimonocho: The Case of the Golden Goddess Ghost of Saga Mansion