Handi Muljono Naughty One Jampang Jampang II The Big Talkers Bloody Love Bloody Love A Pair of Deadly Eyes Preman Prabu Anglingdarma (Balada Cinta Anglingdarma) Irisan-irisan Hati White Wolf Demon Bull of Mataram Not as Beautiful as a Mother's Love Pelangi di Balik Awan Tutur Tinular: Pedang Naga Puspa Bloodstained Painting Pendekar Bukit Tengkorak Tarzan: King of the Jungle Jurus Dewa Naga Natalia's Charm In Vitro Fertilisation That is Not My Baby Amalia, Bachelor of Law 7 Tiger Man The Terrorists Mandala from the Snake River Gairah Membara Romantika (Galau Remaja di SMA) Saur Sepuh II: The Sacred Resting Place Saur Sepuh III: The Flower of Mount Lawu Saur Sepuh IV: The Blue Blood Offspring Cobra's Bite Against Passion Red Devil Fight Ketika Dia Pergi Tjoet Nja' Dhien Don't Want to be Alone Burning Passion The Second Night of Passion Mandala, The Tar Tar Conqueror Love is But a Fragment of Lies Welts of Regret Pancasona Sesepuh Majapahit The Mighty One Shadow Angel Dunia Mereka Lupus 3 (Topi-topi Centil)