Hideyuki Katsuki Yoriko Toppamono Taiyouden Mechanical Violator Hakaider King of Sha-kin 3 King of Sha-kin: Final You Dance with the Summer Oshûkatsu Oshûkatsu 不法滞在 Shura's Barbarian King My Body is Safe Yakuza Ladies Neo My Body is Safe The Mamushi Dekotora no Shû - Sono go: Hi no kuni Kumamoto oyako tokkyû bin Dekotora no Shû - Sono go: Hi no kuni Kumamoto oyako tokkyû bin 君の望む死に方 King of Sha-kin 2 You Dance with the Summer A Brief Message from the Heart 9-NINE お終活 再春!人生ラプソディ お終活 再春!人生ラプソディ 不法滞在