Shu Yaoxuan The Taste of Apple Happy Angels 金江1936 喜怒哀乐 Face Hunter Si li tao sheng Sleepless Fashion Dead Silence Steel Meets Fire Soldiers behind enemy lines Where Have All the Flowers Gone Fleeing by Night Love in 50 Meters The Chinese Widow The Emperor's Shadow The Curious Tale of Mr. Guo Wing Chun No Abduction The World Chinese Look 裸追吧 铁血殊途 龙票 Rookie Agent Rouge 猎魔 The Chinese Farmers 我的美丽人生 关中女人 黑河风云 The Knockout 斗香 俺娘田小草 汉阳造 雪花那个飘 The Holy Pearl The Bronze Teeth Candle in the Tomb: Kunlun Tomb 钟鼓楼 Swallow Li San Deng Xiaoping at History's Crossroads 浮华背后 下南洋 South Sea Tomb Candle in the Tomb: The Lost Caverns 博弈 Candle in the Tomb (Pan Yueming) 尘埃落定 抗日奇侠 Revolutionaries Are Always Young 第四片甲骨 Ode to Gallantry 向前一步 Faith Makes Great A Lifelong Journey 奇志 Antique Bureau Midgame Candle in the Tomb (Tencent) The Story of a Noble Family