Ahmed Azmy King Lear Al-Zamahlawia The Forest Feelings Stolen Kisses Adam's Autumn The Day We Met Fokak Meny The Promise Closed Doors An Hour and a Half Adam's Village Didi and Dolly Bahebek Lust Azima's Gang Life upside down None But That! The Tribune Afandina The City A Cultural Film وبعد الطوفان Convict Howa Fi Keda Dafae Rubaei Biqoua شمال يا دنيا Jubaa Half a day Light and fire After the Flood White Abbas in the Black Day 30 Days Unknown Number Animal Stories in the Qur'an Okht Therese Bent Bnoot موعد مع الوحوش سلطان الغرام Shams Al Ansary Al-Gama'a I Won't Live in My Father's Robes I Want to Get Married Stories In Quran بـ١٠٠ راجل شمال اجباري سلمى يا سلامة Raised in His Wealth I Won't Live in My Father's Robes Black Point Shubra Rotation نقطة سوداء Injustice of the Bench El-Cinderella