Tang Pik-Wan Silk Factory Girl The Strange Lady Sit Yat-neung Iron-beaked Hen's Sudden Rise to Power Mr Wong's Adventures with the Unruly Girl A Reserve Bride Fong Tong Kan & Yin Ji Ma Bitter Fear The Voyage of the Dead The Phantom of the Opera Boat Tonight and Every Night She Shoots Straight Mr. Possessed The Matchmaker The Secret Book II Secret Book How The Ghosts Trapped Master Cheung the Exorcist Who Is The Craftiest Sister Cupid Mummy Dearest Let the Scholar Eat Like a Dog Secret Book (Part 3) Fatal Vacation The Strange Adventures of a Strange Man Esprit D'amour Jokers Playing Games Perfect Girls The Birth of Yue Fei Mother Vs Mother The Killing Flag (Part 1) Mother-in-Law Fat-Choy Precious Diamonds The Monkey Soldiers Come to the Rescue The Family The Misadventure of Zoo Yesterday's Glitter Vanity Fair In The Same Boat Barber Shop The Passenger The Seasons No One is Innocent A House is Not a Home