Zhanna Vitenzon The Fire Is Burning In the Raw-Hide Tent Little Boat Let It Rain, Let It Rain! Small Rope The Real Adventure The Deer - White Horns The Quarrel The Day Of Luck Папа, мама и золотая рыбка Great Journey Ancient Ballad Старик и петух Tredicino Мальчик и облако Sampo from Lapland Where Are You My Horse?.. Играй, моя дудочка The Kite Little Airplane Word of Honour Tree Frog The Swineherd The Legend About the Old Lighthouse The Little Bicycle Ran Away Three Bananas The Prize Vasilyok Lucky You Have to Pay For Mistakes Golden Stalks The Brave Little Deer Flashlight Ball Просто так Почему слоны? The Girl and the Elephant Алёнкин цыплёнок The Bird Catcher Я жду тебя, кит Наш добрый мастер Eaglet The Letter