José António Loureiro The Art of Stealing Manô Assault on the Santa Maria O Último Voo do Flamingo Aniversário Três Crimes, Três Curtas Monsanto Real Playing Game When It Thunders Peace A Bomba Hovering Over the Water A Esperança Está Onde Menos Se Espera End of Conservation Recollections of the Yellow House Facas e Anjos The Beauty and the Paparazzo Call Girl Cats Don't Have Vertigo O Leão da Estrela Cândido Trial Ballad of Dog Beach Contrato Kiss Me 4 Hearts O Cônsul de Bordéus O Inimigo Sem Rosto Amo-te Teresa A Song of Lisbon Soldier Millions The Cannibals Step by Step Circle of Passions California Our Consul in Havana The Masked Avenger: Lagardere Granma Nineteen and the Soviet's Secret Until Tomorrow, Comrades Cheaters War The Revealing Heart Xavier Mustang The Two Brothers Malvadez