Václav Nývlt Man in Outer Space Pohádka o staré tramvaji Akce Kalimantan Bílá oblaka Fruit of Paradise Okurkový hrdina Joseph Kilian Don't Take Shelter From The Rain Fortress on the Rhine When the Cat Comes Prosím, nebudit Bubny Cesta peklem 5 Million Witnesses 5 Million Witnesses A Boring Afternoon Capricious Summer If a Thousand Clarinets Pearls of the Deep Sign of the Virgin Slečny přijdou později Nahá pastýřka Closely Watched Trains Rhythm of First Love Sign of the Cancer Happy End Piknik „Rakev ve snu viděti...“ All My Good Countrymen Zločin pátera Amara The Gentle Barbarian Angelic Eyes Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age Case for a Rookie Hangman Larks on a String Desire The Road Back A Suburban Romance Nevěsta A Star Is Falling Upwards Oil Lamps Sunday Father Touha Sherlocka Holmese A 105 p.c. Alibi Hordubal Pět z milionu Kruh Hotel Pacific Where an Alibi Is Not Everything Ledoví muži Skid Tři tuny prachu Zlé pondělí Smoke on the Potato Fields Smrt mouchy A Nice Plate of Spinach Stín létajícího ptáčka Fanda 5 Million Witnesses The Snowdrop Festival Hodinářova svatební cesta korálovým mořem Love Between the Raindrops Tvář za sklem Magician Nevěsta k zulíbání Cutting It Short Half a House Without a Groom The Medal Svítalo celou noc Escape Home Vinobraní Angel in a Devil's Body Shades of Fern It's Not Me It's Not Me Daisies Dogs and People The Jester's Tale Zlé pondělí Třírohý klobouk