Bent Warburg Agent 69 in the Sign of Scorpio In the Sign of the Lion In the Sign of the Gemini Bel Ami Justine and Juliette The Hottest Show in Town True Spirit Rubber Tarzan Fætrene på Torndal Holidays in jail The Olsen Gang's Big Score The Man from Swan Farm Murder in the Dark Terror Vandalism Johnny Larsen Jeg er sgu min egen Bedside Sailors What's Wrong with This Picture? Manden der ville være skyldig Harmony Syg og Munter Motello Strejferne Stepping Out Tilløkke Herbert! The Major The Keyhole The Marksman I, a Woman Part III: The Daughter Danish Pastries Kærlighed uden stop Albert Undskyld vi er her Children of the Warriors The Mad Dane Opløsning Hannah Wolfe En by i provinsen Krigsdøtre Johansens sidste ugudelige dage Call Me Liva Bryggeren Fæhår og Harzen The Gønge Chieftain Station 13 Nissebanden