H. Daniel Gross Depth Charge Depth Charge Love's Enduring Promise Love's Long Journey Love's Unending Legacy Class Point of Entry Community Table Read A Carol Christmas Art of Eight Limbs Art of Eight Limbs Arthur Hailey's Detective Finish Line Night of the Wolf The Poseidon Adventure Love Comes Softly Straight From the Heart Bound By a Secret Audrey's Rain The Last Cowboy Love's Abiding Joy The Wish List Billy Martin: The Man, the Myth, the Manager Sioux City Porky's: Pimpin' Pee Wee From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money A Place Called Home Santa, Jr. The Lockdown Gentle Ben Gentle Ben 2: Danger on the Mountain Ritual Kung Fu Games Kung Fu Games Lady Scorpions Lady Scorpions Lady Scorpions Highlander: Endgame Halloween: Resurrection The King and Queen of Moonlight Bay Monster Makers Painted Hero