Spencer Williams The Blood of Jesus Dirty Gertie from Harlem U.S.A. Go Down, Death! Harlem Rides the Range Juke Joint Girl in Room 20 Two-Gun Man from Harlem Bad Boy Rhapsody of Negro Life The Framing of the Shrew Harlem on the Prairie Melancholy Dame The Bronze Buckaroo Amos 'n' Andy: Anatomy of a Controversy The Lady Fare The Widow's Bite Brown Gravy Son of Ingagi Hot Biskits Of One Blood Beale Street Mama Black Shadows on a Silver Screen The Negro Sailor Brother Martin: Servant of Jesus Georgia Rose The Blood of Jesus The Blood of Jesus Dirty Gertie from Harlem U.S.A. Go Down, Death! Harlem Rides the Range Harlem Rides the Range Juke Joint Marching On! Marching On! Girl in Room 20 Son of Ingagi The Blood of Jesus Hot Biskits The Lady Fare Harlem Hotshots Hot Biskits Jivin' in Bebop Rhapsody of Negro Life Of One Blood Of One Blood Beale Street Mama Brother Martin: Servant of Jesus Brother Martin: Servant of Jesus Bourbon Street Beat Amos 'n' Andy