Lamont Johnson The Brothers Rico The Human Jungle Please Murder Me Les animaux Retreat, Hell! Sally and Saint Anne The McKenzie Break One on One Jack and the Beanstalk Moby Dick The Last American Hero Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone The McKenzie Break One on One A Gunfight The Groundstar Conspiracy The Execution of Private Slovik Somebody Killed Her Husband Lipstick Ernie Kovacs: Between the Laughter Crash Landing: The Rescue of Flight 232 Kona Coast You'll Like My Mother That Certain Summer Off the Minnesota Strip Cattle Annie and Little Britches Crisis at Central High My Sweet Charlie A Covenant with Death Unnatural Causes Five Fingers : Thin Ice Visit to a Chief's Son The Broken Chain Deadlock Birdbath Escape From Iran: The Canadian Caper Fear on Trial Jane Eyre Jack and the Beanstalk Dangerous Company Paul's Case Voices Within: The Lives of Truddi Chase All the Winters that Have Been The Man Next Door Dracula The Man Next Door Gunsmoke Hallmark Hall of Fame Angel Felony Squad The Millionaire Schlitz Playhouse of Stars Climax! The Big Valley Profiles in Courage Matinee Theater Letter to Loretta Blue Light Cavalcade of America Faerie Tale Theatre Cavalcade of America Cavalcade of America Cavalcade of America Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame