David Bauer Patton Flaming Fury Dark of the Sun Endless Night Kansas Raiders The Cimarron Kid A Dangerous Profession Smuggler's Island The Scarf The Vicious Circle Where the Sidewalk Ends Salt of the Earth Afternoon of a Nymph The Royal Hunt of the Sun Wait Till the Sun Shines, Nellie Crooks and Coronets The Ambassadors The Franchise Trail Diamonds Are Forever Live It Up! Torture Garden Tokyo Joe 5 Fingers Road Movie Inspector Clouseau Appointment with Danger Embassy Danger Route The Double Man Bagdad Walk a Tightrope Fun and Games Man in the Middle Bloodhounds of Broadway House of Strangers Sword in the Desert Prisoners in Petticoats The Undercover Man Twice Colonized The Prisoner Budgie Department S The Avengers Jason King Helgenen The Champions King of the River Decoy The Third Man Maigret Brett The Jazz Age I'm the Law Dangerous Assignment Helgenen Helgenen Helgenen Gideon's Way Helgenen BBC Play of the Month The Protectors