Peter Ustinov Spartacus Animal Farm Unglaubliche Freunde Lorenzo's Oil The Bachelor Death on the Nile Evil Under the Sun La Révolution française Appointment with Death Logan's Run Billy Budd Topkapi Luther We're No Angels The Making of Agatha Christie's 'Evil Under the Sun' Thirteen at Dinner Dead Man's Folly Murder in Three Acts Quo Vadis Robin Hood The Egyptian Hot Millions The Way Ahead Lola Montès One of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing The Mouse and His Child The Sundowners Beau Brummell Blackbeard's Ghost Schönbrunn - Quelle der Schönheit The Old Curiosity Shop C'era un castello con 40 cani Alleman Viva Max! Charlie Chan and the Curse of the Dragon Queen Hotel Sahara Les Espions Odette The Magic Box Lady L Charlie Chaplin: The Forgotten Years Babar Comes to America The Last Remake of Beau Geste Ashanti Hammersmith Is Out The Comedians Un taxi mauve Stiff Upper Lips John Goldfarb, Please Come Home! The Phoenix and the Magic Carpet Un angelo è sceso a Brooklyn Romanoff and Juliet Diaghilev: The Years Abroad Winter Solstice Mein Kampf - My Crimes The Thief of Baghdad Granpa Grendel Grendel Grendel The Goose Steps Out Kein Abend wie jeder andere An Audience with Peter Ustinov Parkinson at 50 The Secret Identity of Jack the Ripper L'Énigme Charlotte Rampling Memed My Hawk A Storm in Summer My Khmer Heart The Legend of the Good Beasts Pierre et le Loup Morte no Tejo The Great Muppet Caper The Peaches 星のオルフェウス Treasure of Matecumbe Beethovens Zehnte Alice in Wonderland Salzburger Marionettentheater: Die Zauberflöte Salem Witch Trials Barefoot in Athens Abgehört Gideon Tarka the Otter Riders of the Wind One of Our Aircraft Is Missing Big Truck and Sister Clare Paths of the Gods The New Lot Victoria & Albert La donna nel mondo The Trouble With Agatha Christie Einstein's Universe Peep and the Big Wide World The Marshal of Madrid The Story of Babar, the Little Elephant The Comedians in Africa Max par Marcel: Lola Montès Le Plaisir Ein Abend mit Peter Ustinov Summa Summarum - Sondersendung zu Heinz Rühmanns 75. Geburtstag Julie's Christmas Special F1 Review 1987 The Bible According to Hollywood Max Ophüls - Den schönen guten Waren The Ten Commandments of Creativity Through Joy and Beyond The True Glory Private Angelo Alekan le magnifique Doppio delitto Nuclear Nightmares The Mermaid Frolics Nous maigrirons ensemble Night of 100 Stars Das Leben – ein Karussell: Max Ophüls und sein Werk Kinderen van Ghana Let the People Sing Venezia, carnevale, un amore Salzburger Marionettentheater: Die Entführung aus dem Serail Salzburger Marionettentheater:Le Nozze di Figaro Salzburger Marionettentheater: Don Giovanni Salzburg MarionettenTheater: Così fan tutti Peter Ustinov: The Parkinson Interviews Billy Budd Billy Budd Vice Versa Hot Millions The Way Ahead Lady L School for Secrets School for Secrets Hammersmith Is Out Romanoff and Juliet Romanoff and Juliet Memed My Hawk Memed My Hawk Memed My Hawk Vice Versa Vice Versa Lady L Spartacus The New Lot Die Zauberflöte L'Amour des 4 colonels La Dixième de Beethoven Billy Budd Under Capricorn School for Secrets Private Angelo Private Angelo Private Angelo The Merv Griffin Show Zwischenstation Showgeschichten The David Susskind Show The Secret Policeman's Ball Lieder, Arien und Geschichten Doctor Snuggles Hallmark Hall of Fame Harty Saturday Night Clive Jesus of Nazareth The Steve Allen Show Around the World in 80 Days The Oscars The Muppet Show Jukebox Heroes Timewatch Die Harald Schmidt Show Beckmann Wetten, dass..? The Mike Douglas Show Die Montagsmaler The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson An Audience with... Tony Awards Tony Awards Wogan Winter Solstice What's My Line? Folio V.I.P. Schaukel Spécial cinéma Hallmark Hall of Fame Hallmark Hall of Fame Tonight Starring Jack Paar Clochemerle Klapzubova jedenáctka Blauer Panther Goldene Kamera Verleihung Bambi-Verleihung The Steve Allen Show Bayerischer Filmpreis Auf los geht's los Tony Awards Les Rendez-vous du dimanche Dinah! Numéro un Die Johannes B. Kerner Show Champs-Elysées Apostrophes Cinépanorama The Dick Cavett Show Das Profil Tony Awards Sabine Christiansen DAS! Lebens-Künstler NDR Talk Show 3 nach 9 Musik & Gäste Aeschbacher Strumpet City Je später der Abend Gero von Boehm begegnet... Aktuelle Schaubude Zeil um Zehn Anneliese Rothenberger gibt sich die Ehre Die Drehscheibe What's My Line? Seitenblicke Was bin ich? The Danny Kaye Show Im Dialog Heut' abend Victoria & Albert Omnibus Omnibus Omnibus Golden Globe Awards Golden Globe Awards Golden Globe Awards Golden Globe Awards Golden Globe Awards