Joe Fineman The Assassination of Richard Nixon Masken Bed of Roses Bryllupssangeren Pans labyrint The Long Kiss Goodnight Deep Cover Terror på Elm Street 4 - Freddys mareritt Austin Powers: Agenten som kom ut av fryseren Corrina, Corrina Night of the Creeps Malibu Beach Boogie Nights Honeymoon Don't Answer the Phone! Año uña The Prince of Pennsylvania Big Girls Don't Cry... They Get Even Silverado American History X Thank You for Smoking Se7en The Rapture Monster The Incredible Journey of Doctor Meg Laurel Set It Off Steel Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me Mortal Kombat 12:01 Wag the Dog Drive Rites of Passage American Harvest Terror på Elm Street 5 - The Dream Child Metropolitan House Party House Party 3 The Shrink Is In Road Trip: Beer Pong Critters 2 Critters 3 Critters 4