Dick Shaw Disney's American Legends Bric’s Stew No Hunting The Plastics Inventor Donald's Off Day Duck Pimples The Brave Engineer Music Land Spill for meg! Spare the Child First Aiders Pluto's Heart Throb Baggage Buster Calling Doctor Magoo Magoo Makes News Madcap Magoo Magoo Goes West Magoo Express Magoo Beats the Heat Trailblazer Magoo Rock Hound Magoo Magoo Goes Overboard Magoo's Private War Magoo's Canine Mutiny Magoo's Masquerade Matador Magoo Magoo Saves the Bank Magoo Breaks Par Magoo's Lodge Brother 1001 Arabian Nights Magoo’s Three-Point Landing Bwana Magoo The Explosive Mr. Magoo Love Comes to Magoo Gumshoe Magoo Magoo’s Cruise Merry Minstrel Magoo