The Hateful Eight

The Hateful Eight 2015


Quentin Tarantino er endelig tilbake! Åtte personer må søke tilflukt for vinterstormene og stues sammen for én natt i en jernvarehandel på en fjellovergang: Dusørjegeren John Ruth og hans flyktning Daisy Domergue, eks-soldat Major Marquis Warren, byens nye sheriff Chris Mannix Bob, Oswaldo Mobray, bøddelen fra Red Rock Joe Gage og sørstatsgeneral Sanford Smithers. Når stormen raser som verst i fjellødet innser våre åtte reisende at kanskje ikke alle vil komme seg til Red Rock i live.



Laramie 1959


Laramie is an American Western television series that aired on NBC from 1959 to 1963. A Revue Studios production, the program originally starred John Smith as Slim Sherman, Robert Fuller as Jess Harper, Hoagy Carmichael as Jonesy and Robert L. Crawford, Jr., as Andy Sherman.


Overland Trail

Overland Trail 1960


Overland Trail was a short lived television western about the adventures of an earthy stage coach line superintendent and his young partner as they strive to keep the stage routes open and safe. William Bendix played Frederick Thomas "Fred" Kelly, the superintendent of the fictitious Overland Stage Company. Doug McClure appeared as Frank "Flip" Flippen, Kelly's associate in the business.