1917 2019
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Før hun ble Wonder Woman var hun Diana, amasonenes prinsesse, opptrent til å være en uovervinnelig kriger. Diana vokste opp i et skjermet øyparadis. Når en amerikansk pilot krasjer på øya og forteller om en massiv konflikt i verden utenfor, forlater Diana hjemmet sitt, overbevist om at hun kan stoppe trusselen. I en krig sammen med menneskeheten for å gjøre slutt på alle kriger, kommer Diana til å oppdage sine fulle krefter ... og sin sanne skjebne.
Året er 2035, og bare én prosent av jordas befolkning har overlevd et dødelig virus som herjet i 1996. James Cole blir overtalt til å reise tilbake til 1996 for å samle informasjon om hvordan epidemien oppsto, slik at man kan utvikle en vaksine. Ved en feiltakelse blir han imidlertid sendt til 1990, hvor han blir arrestert og sperret inne på et sinnssykehus. Der møter han psykiateren Kathryn Railly og Jeffrey Goines, sønnen til en berømt vitenskapsmann og virusekspert, som prøver å hjelpe ham.
Dette storslåtte eposet forteller den sanne historien om T.E. Lawrence – den britiske offiseren som ledet 50 menn gjennom ørkenen for å angripe havnen i Aqaba.
Denne filmen fremstiller krigens meningsløshet og ironi i skyttergravene under første verdenskrig. En kommanderende offiser i den franske hæren må håndtere et mytteri og en general på jakt etter heder og berømmelse etter at en del av styrken til offiseren trekker seg tilbake under ild under et angrep som er dømt til å mislykkes.
Alt starter med et vennskap mellom hesten Joey og hans unge trener Albert. Når krigen skiller dem får vi følge Joey på en utrolig reise der han inspirerer og forandrer livet til alle han møter.
Diktatoren er en kraftfull film, med en mengde komiske opptrinn, som når Tomanias maktgale diktator Adenoid Hynkel snakker seg så varm at han ikke bare må kjøle stemmebåndene, men også tømme vann nedover buksene sine. Filmen er også meget vakkert fotografert, og scenen hvor Hynkel leker med jordkloden før han til slutt punkterer den er blitt klassisk. I Diktatoren gjør Chaplin en parodi på Hitler, hans retorikk, hans manerer og hans innbilte stolthet. Den generelle amerikanske holdningen på den tiden var at Hitler mer var en klovn man måtte le av enn en plage man burde frykte. Det var først senere det gikk opp for amerikanerne hvilken trussel han faktisk var.
Denne episke kjærlighetshistorien i Russland spenner seg fra begynnelsen av 1900-tallet til den første verdenskrig og blander landskapsbilder og action med en fortelling om to elskere som ufrivillig blir dratt fra hverandre av hendelser med en gigantisk historisk betydning.
In a time filled with wars, environmental concerns and issues, there lives a gaggle of beautiful boys that are the personification of the world's countries. Japan, England, France, Finland, Germany and the rest of the boys attend the World Conference and tackle issues like global warming with a heavy dose of fun. Through multiple world wars the gang will traverse deserts, build mecha U-boats and solve the world's problems together!
The true story of Ernest Shackleton's 1914 Endurance expedition to the the South Pole and his epic struggle to lead his crew to safety after his ship was crushed in the pack ice.
Secrets are divulged and stories of espionage, conspiracy, murder, sabotage and greed are uncovered.
As dawn breaks on April 25, 1915, ANZAC troops go into battle on the beaches of the Gallipoli peninsula. Landing in the dark chaos, Tolly, Bevan and their mates struggle to establish a tenuous foothold on the treacherous slopes and deep ravines. They endure the next eight months on the peninsula learning lessons of survival. By the time of the final evacuation they have also learned the skills of combat and what it means to be a young man in war.
Black Adder traces the deeply cynical and self-serving lineage of various Edmund Blackadders throughout British history, from the muck of the Middle Ages to the frontline of the First World War.
More determined than ever to live her life in accordance with her deepest desires, nurse Johanna Gabathuler finds herself embroiled in a spy conspiracy with international implications. There’s a high price to pay and it’s risky to say the least, but she will do anything it takes to find her daughter and, ultimately, secure her freedom.
A milestone 26-part history of the First World War, conceived to mark the 50th anniversary of its outbreak.
The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century is a 1996 documentary series that aired on PBS. It chronicles World War I over eight episodes. It was narrated by Dame Judi Dench in the UK and Salome Jens in the United States. The series won two Primetime Emmy Awards: one for Jeremy Irons for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance, the other for Outstanding Informational Series. In 1997, it was given a Peabody Award.
"Löwengrube – Die Grandauers und ihre Zeit" is a German television series first aired between 1989 and 1992, created by Willy Purucker and directed by Rainer Wolffhardt. It is set in Munich and follows the lives of Ludwig Grandauer and his son Karl, both policemen, covering the years from 1897 to 1954. The TV show is based on Purucker's radio play series Die Grandauers und ihre Zeit (‘The Grandauers and their time’). The series’ main title "Löwengrube", meaning ‘Lions’ Den’, refers to the address of the Munich Police Headquarters inaugurated in 1913.
The story of three decades of war told through the eyes of various men who were its key players: Roosevelt, Hitler, Patton, Mussolini, Churchill, Tojo, DeGaulle and MacArthur. The series examines the two wars as one contiguous timeline starting in 1914 and concluding in 1945 with these unique individuals coming of age in World War I before ultimately calling the shots in World War II.
Dick Dastardly and his snickering canine co-pilot Muttley plot to stop Yankee Doodle Pigeon aboard their World War I flying machines.
This three-part political thriller follows the catastrophic chain of events leading up to World War I from the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on 28 June 1914 to Britain's declaration of war on Germany 37 days later. This tense and gripping miniseries set among the corridors of power in Whitehall and Berlin tracks the unfolding crisis through the eyes of leading politicians and civil servants struggling to prevent the world's first global war. 37 Days unlocks the mystery of the war s origins, overturning assumptions about its inevitability, demonstrating that World War One was neither a chance happening nor was it a foregone conclusion.
In a tented field hospital on the coast of France, a team of doctors, nurses and women volunteers work together to heal the bodies and souls of men wounded in the trenches.
This ten-part docuseries tells the comprehensive story of the First World War, featuring excerpts written by Winston Churchill, Karen Blixen, Georges Clémenceau, David Lloyd George, Siegfried Sassoon and Rudolf Hess.
A group of young men and women in Dublin in 1916 are embroiled in a fight for independence during the Easter Rising. The story begins with the outbreak of World War I. As expectations of a short and glorious campaign are dashed, social stability is eroded and Irish nationalism comes to the fore. The tumultuous events that follow are seen through the eyes of a group of friends from Dublin, Belfast and London as they play vital and conflicting roles in the narrative of Ireland's independence.
At the outbreak of World War I, two teenage boys - one German and one British - defy their parents to sign up. An epic historical drama spanning the five years of the First World War, as seen through the eyes of two ordinary young soldiers.
Upon his return from Louisiana in 1865, Maxence de Mettray decides to use the profits from his last commercial trip to buy the castle of Mauregard in Touraine, the castle of his ancestors. From there, his story and that of his descendants is told over six different periods. A French mini-series in six 60-minute episodes.
When war broke out in Europe in 1914, most people thought the conflict would be over by Christmas; they could not imagine how wrong they were. An attack in Sarajevo ended up becoming a snowball that swept the world: a new kind of warfare had begun, waged with techniques and means never seen before. By November 1918, ten million people had died and the political map of the planet had been redrawn.
The series is built in the form of saga and depicts the turbulent periods of the beginning of the 20th century through the eyes of ordinary people: the First World War, the revolution, the emergence of Soviet regime. Each of the characters faced the changes in their own way through their concept of truth. However, all of them shared fundamental desire to live, love and find their own place in the new era.
Colorized historical footage in ascending order of World War 1. Not only the relatively known Flanders and France battles, but also the generally unknown Italian-Austrian, German-Polish-Russian, Japanese-German, Ottoman Empire- Allied and African German Colonies, and other unknown or forgotten fronts and battles.