Den enestående Will Hunting

Den enestående Will Hunting 1997


Will Hunting, en problemrik men talentfull ung mann som arbeider som vaktmester på Massachusetts Institute of Technology, selv om han har kunnskaper innen matematikk som er langt større enn de hos studentene ved skolen. Will må lære seg å gi slipp på fortiden for å komme videre i livet sitt. Den enestående Will Hunting viser historien til en ung mann, og hans kamp mot både seg selv om personlige forhold, der han forsøker å arbeide seg gjennom problemene sine slik at han kan åpne seg til andre, og slik at han kan bruke sitt enorme intellekt til noe nyttig.


88 Minutes

88 Minutes 2007


Al Pacino spiller Jack Gramm, en rettspsykiater i FBI. Han har vært med på å få seriemorderen Jon Forster dømt til døde, men nå henger hans eget liv i en tynn tråd. På dagen da dødsdommen over Forster skal fullbyrdes begynner Jack å motta mystiske beskjeder om at han vil dø om 88 minutter. En desperat kamp mot klokken starter. For å finne den potensielle morder må Jack etterforske samtlige mistenkte som, foruten Forster, også inkluderer hans tidligere elskerinne og en særdeles vanskelig student. Nedtellingen har begynt!


Relic Hunter

Relic Hunter 1999


Sydney Fox is a professor and globe-trotting "relic hunter" who looks for ancient artifacts to return to museums and/or the descendants of the original owner. She is aided by her linguistic assistant Nigel and occasionally by her somewhat air-headed secretary Claudia. She often ends up battling rival hunters seeking out artifacts for the money.


The Irrational

The Irrational 2023


Alec Mercer is a world-renowned professor of behavioral psychology with a unique insight into human nature who lends his expertise to an array of high-stakes cases involving governments, corporations and law enforcement. However, he meets his match in a female domestic terror suspect who turns his world upside down.



Perception 2012


Dr. Daniel Pierce, a neuroscientist and professor, is recruited to help the federal government crack difficult cases. His intimate knowledge of human behavior and masterful understanding of the mind give him an extraordinary ability to read people, but his eccentric view of the world and less-than-stellar social skills can often interfere with his work.


My Love From Another Star

My Love From Another Star 2013


An alien who came to Earth 400 years ago is almost able to return to his own planet, but when he meets a famous actress, he doesn't want to go home.


Mysterious Ways

Mysterious Ways 2000


Declan Dunn has a fascination with mystical phenomena that began when he was buried under an avalanche and given up for dead. After he miraculously survived, he committed his life to investigating miracles and the absolute proof of their existence. Now a professor of Anthropology at a leading Oregon university, Declan has the training, support staff and the opportunity to study the uncanny, inexplicable phenomena people call "miracles". With the help of Peggy, a skeptical psychiatrist, and Miranda, a research student, the three embark on a quest to explain what science cannot.


Pursuit of Happiness

Pursuit of Happiness 1987


Pursuit of Happiness is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from October 30, 1987 to January 22, 1988.