The Next Three Days

The Next Three Days 2010


Familiemannen John Brennan lever en perfekt tilværelse - helt til hans kone, Laura, blir arrestert for å ha drept sjefen sin. Hun nekter for å ha begått mordet, og John er overbevist om hennes uskyld, men i retten dømmes hun til 20 års fengsel. Tre år etter sliter John med å holde familien samlet. I tillegg til en krevende jobb har han aleneansvar for oppdragelsen av sønnen, og alle hans resterende krefter går med til kampen for å renvaske Laura. Når alt er som mørkest og med alt å tape, bestemmer John seg for å få sin store kjærlighet ut av fangenskap. Nitidig setter han i gang for å legge en slagplanen som skal gi henne friheten tilbake.


Historien om David Gale

Historien om David Gale 2003


David Gale (Spacey) sitter på dødscellen for voldtekt og drap på sin beste venn, Constance (Linney). Det er tre dager til straffen skal fullbyrdes. En heldig journalist, Bitsey Bloom (Winslet), får audiens hos mannen, og vi får gjennom tilbakeblikk høre hans historie. Det merkelige med det hele er at David Gale er et prominent medlem av organisasjonen Deathwatch, hvis hovedmål er å avskaffe dødsstraff. Gale hevder han har havnet i denne situasjonen på grunn av en rekke uheldige omstendigheter. Bitsey vet ikke hva hun skal tro, og undersøker saken på egenhånd...


The Defence

The Defence 2018


Three-year-old Nikola Szlezyngier disappears in unexplained circumstances and her parents Angelika and Dawid are the main suspects. Angelika contacts an old friend Joanna Chylka, a brilliant, cynical and successful lawyer to help. With her new apprentice Kordian, Joanna will try to bring the case to a happy close.


Proven Innocent

Proven Innocent 2019


Madeline Scott, a fierce and uncompromising lawyer with a hunger for justice, runs an underdog criminal defense firm. There is no one who understands the power of setting an innocent person free more than Madeline. At age 18, she was wrongfully convicted, along with her brother, in a sensational murder case. Madeline defends others as she fights to maintain her innocence and searches for the real killer in her own case.


Hold My Hand

Hold My Hand 2013


A misguided ambition leads to the theft of everything a woman had in her life. Instead of getting revenge, the woman forgives and reconciles with her enemy. This will compel viewers to reconsider their views on revenge. Perhaps, true revenge is not about punishing those who have done you wrong but rather about offering your tormenter a moment to repent, which is the ultimate form of revenge. (Source: MBC)



Cybergeddon 2012


Framed for a cyber-crime she didn't commit, FBI Special Agent Chloe Jocelyn is forced to go on the run in order to prove her innocence.


Le Paria

Le Paria 1985


Julien Mauriès, the youngest of a perfumer's family was forced to go into exile after having an unfortunate experience in the estate business. He spent 20 years in Venezuela and made fortune in the perfume business. Now, Julien has decided to come back in France in order to start again and to cleanse his honour.


Extremely Dangerous

Extremely Dangerous 1999


Extremely Dangerous is a 1999 four part series for ITV starring Sean Bean as an ex-National Criminal Intelligence Service undercover agent convicted of the brutal murder of his wife and child who goes on the run to try and clear his name. He sets out to follow up a strange clue sent to him in prison. The boss of a local crime syndicate, a former associate, hears of his escape and sends out the word to bring him in. On the run from the police and disowned by his NCIS colleagues, he is faced with the fact that he may be guilty.