28 dager senere 2002
Etter at et dødelig virus utsletter hele jorden, forsøker en gruppe mennesker å forhindre at menneskerasen blir fullstendig utryddet.
Etter at et dødelig virus utsletter hele jorden, forsøker en gruppe mennesker å forhindre at menneskerasen blir fullstendig utryddet.
"The Expendables" er en hardslående actionfilm om en gruppe leiesoldater som får i oppdrag å infiltrere et søramerikansk land og styrte en hensynsløs diktator. Men når oppdraget er i gang, begynner mennene å innse at ikke alt er som det ser ut, og de befinner seg snart i et livsfarlig nett av bedrageri og forræderi. Med oppdraget avbrutt og uskyldige liv i fare, møter de en enda større utfordring; noen truer med å tilintetgjøre The Expendables ...
En opportunistisk oljeentreprenør forvandles til en korrupt businessmann i overgangen til det 20. århundre i denne historien om penger og grådighet.
Eventyreren og arkeologen Ben Gates (Nicholas Cage) er på jakt etter verdens største og mest myteomspunne gullskatt. Sporene leder til den amerikanske selvstendighetserklæringen, som skjuler en ledetråd i form av en hemmelig kode. Sammen med sin venn, dataeksperten Riley Poole (Justin Bartha), må Ben stjele Amerikas mest velbevoktede dokument, knekke koden, lure FBI og unngå å bli drept av en hensynsløs gangster. Men det viser seg snart at den første ledetråden ikke er den siste. Jon Turteltaubs "National Treasure er et moderne eventyr, fylt med action, dramatikk og humor. Filmen er producert av Jerry Brukheimer ("Pirates of the Caribbean" og "King Arthur").
Denne filmen er inspirert av "The Canterbury Tales", og handler om William, en ung mann som har et stort talent for ridderturneringer. Men når læremesteren hans dør tar han på vei med sine venner Roland og Wat, og på turen møter de den ukjente forfatteren Chaucer. William, som utgir seg som knekt, overtaler Chaucer til å forfalske et stamtre slik at han kan passere som ridder. Det vil si, det er en uoppnåelig drøm for William helt til gode venner, skjebnen, en svindel, en stor porsjon flaks og en nydelig prinsesse tilsammen påvirker livet til den fattige svennen så mye at han faktisk blir forvandlet til en edel ridder. Regissør Brian Helgeland har laget en uhøytidelig ridderaction hvor det danses til Queen og AC/DC, det synges engelske fotballsanger på pubene, og stadionpublikummet blir varmet opp av en seremonimester i beste amerikanske tradisjon. Resultatet er en forfriskende blanding av spektakulære kampscener, Hollywood-romantikk og middelalderhumor.
Politimannen John McClane er tilbake. Denne gangen må han stoppe en gjeng terrorister som har tatt over en flyplass. Det blir en kamp mot klokken idet kona hans befinner seg på et fly som ikke kan lande, med en stadig synkende bensinmåler.
En narkobaron får en politisk oppvåkning når han prøver å overleve en natt med lovlig kriminalitet i nabolaget sitt.
En koreansk-amerikansk familie som flytter til en liten gård i Arkansas på jakt etter sin egen amerikanske drøm. Familiedynamikken endres fullstendig når deres bannende, men utrolig kjærlige bestemor kommer etter.
Langdon våkner opp med hukommelsestap på et sykehus i Roma, etter å ha vært utsatt for et attentat. Mens han forsøker å nøste opp i hva som har skjedd, kommer han på sporet av en eksentrisk vitenskapsmann som har planet om å utrydde halve Jordens befolkning med et virus.
Bob arbeider som bartender i en liten kneipe i Brooklyn som eies av lokale gangstere. Han forsøker å holde en lav profil, men når baren utsettes for et brutalt ran trekkes han inn i en kriminalsak.
Når Jake Blues (John Belushi) slipper ut av fengselet, begir han og broren hans, Elwood, seg(Dan Aykroyd) i vei for å besøke det barnehjemmet hvor de vokste opp og ble oppdratt av nonner. De får greie på at kirken har trukket tilbake støtten til barnehjemmet som kommer til å bli solgt dersom ikke eiendomsskatten blir betalt innen elleve dager. Brødrene beslutter at de skal skrape sammen pengene ved å samle det gamle bluesbandet, og lage en liten konsert. De er kanskje på "oppdrag fra Gud", men hele tiden skaffer de seg nye fiender.
A love story about a middle-aged compression sock businessman from Detroit who unexpectedly falls for his cardiac nurse, a Nigerian immigrant, while recovering from a heart attack and sets his sights on winning her over.
Amen is an American television sitcom produced by Carson Productions that ran from September 27, 1986 to May 11, 1991 on NBC. Set in Sherman Hemsley's real-life hometown of Philadelphia, Amen stars Hemsley as the deacon of a church and was part of a wave of successful sitcoms on NBC in the 1980s which featured entirely or almost-entirely black casts. Others included The Cosby Show, A Different World, and 227.
Save Me is a web-toon based thriller drama with a story of four young men who try to save one woman. One day, they face a woman in a dark alley who asks for their help. The woman turns out to be involved in a cult group. A sequence of horrifying tension-filled events follow the four young men.
The unscrupulous world of the Greenleaf family and their sprawling Memphis megachurch, where scandalous secrets and lies are as numerous as the faithful. Born of the church, the Greenleaf family love and care for each other, but beneath the surface lies a den of iniquity—greed, adultery, sibling rivalry and conflicting values—that threatens to tear apart the very core of their faith that holds them together.
People commit variety of ugly crimes these days. However, they forgive themselves by giving testimony every week. They believe that they can repent just by having faith. But the truth is that they have faith to repeat the sins again and again without remorse. These people atone for their evil deeds just to feel comfortable and carefree. It is not about the victims who are suffering because of them. They say every people are equal before the religions. But it is time to discriminate people who only uses them for their interest. Screening if they are really good people, punishing if they deserve to be punished, and defending justice is needed for modern day religion. A priest with this sense of justice teams up with a detective and a prosecutor. They try to solve the mysterious death of an elderly priest and serve justice.
Reverend Eric Camden and his wife Annie have always had their hands full caring for seven children, not to mention the friends, sweethearts and spouses that continually come and go in the Camden household.
Good News is an American sitcom that aired on UPN from 1997 to 1998. The series is a spin-off of the UPN series Sparks.
Sequel to 'Till Death Us Do Part' with the bad tempered Alf Garnett, who has not mellowed with the years and is as bigoted as ever.
Reverend Granger is assigned as the Vicar of the rural parish of Dibley, but she is not quite what the villagers expected.
A young man returns to his isolated hometown on Crockett Island, hoping to rebuild his life after serving four years in prison for killing someone in a drunk-driving incident. He arrives at the same time as a mysterious, charismatic young priest who begins to revitalise the town's flagging faith. However, the community's divisions are soon exacerbated by the priest's deeds while mysterious events befall the small town.
The (mis)adventures of João Grilo and Chicó in Brazil's Northeastern region. The four-chapter miniseries original version of O Auto da Compadecida.
A large Southern church is the background for greed, corruption and murder.
Soul Man is an American sitcom that aired
As Pope Pius XIII hangs between life and death in a coma, charming and sophisticated moderate English aristocrat Sir John Brannox is placed on the papal throne and adopts the name John Paul III. A sequel series to “The Young Pope.”
Mendosa, the chief adviser of the king of Valiante, begins a campaign to hunt down "witches," resulting in the deaths of many magical knights and their sorcerer assistants. Anna, a sorceress married to the knight Herman Lewis, gives birth to a son before her execution. Herman takes their child, Leon, and flees, raising him to be the heir of the legendary Golden Armor. By the time Leon grows up, Valiante is completely in the control of Mendosa, who drives out Prince Alfonso and his mother. Alphonso decides to seek out the man who inherited the Golden Armor to reclaim the throne and save his people.
All Gas and Gaiters is a British television ecclesiastical sitcom which aired on BBC1 from 1966 to 1971. It was written by Pauline Devaney and Edwin Apps, a husband-and-wife team who used the pseudonym of "John Wraith" when writing the pilot. All Gas and Gaiters was also broadcast on BBC Radio from 1971 to 1972.
Vernon Brownmule, aka "Burnin' Vernon," is a scandal-ridden, washed-up, one-hit-wonder who was kicked out of country music, only to emerge 20 years later as the second best Elvis impersonator around. After crashing into an old country church sign during a drunken bender, he is arrested and sentenced to return and serve as the church's handyman as part of his parole. Along the way, he pretends to be the congregation's new minister and reconnects with a former one-night-stand, when he learns he has a 15-year-old daughter he's never met.
Rev. Daniel Webster, an unconventional Episcopalian priest who not only believes in Jesus, but actually sees him and discusses life with him, is challenged on many levels as he struggles to be a good husband, father and minister, while navigating an often rocky relationship with the church hierarchy.
Set in a gothic fantasy world, this is the story of Teito Klein, an orphaned slave who became the top military academy student. However, an unexpected turn of events left him pursued by the forces of the Barsburg Empire. Now an escaping convict, Teito's sheltered by the church and its law of sanctuary. Here, he discovered many mysteries surrounding himself, the church, and the Empire itself. The fact that he might be connected to a dethroned king and the mystical stone of god, "The Eye of Mikhael", made him the target of the empire more than ever. Fortunately the church is under the mythical 7 Ghost protection. But who are the Ghosts really. Will Teito be free from the military's clutch, and what of his said mission to uncover the history. And who is the military's Chief-of-Staff Ayanami exactly. Teito's future seems to have spiraled into an unexpectedly perilous path.
A series of supernatural events begins in a small coastal New Jersey town after the arrival of a mysterious teenage girl, who apparently has the ability to influence the people and events around her.