Den fantastiske Mikkel Rev

Den fantastiske Mikkel Rev 2009


Bli sjarmert av denne hysterisk morsomme og hjertevarmende animasjonsfilmen fra regissøren Wes Anderson (Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums). Filmen er basert på boken til en av verdens mestselgende forfattere, norsk-ættede Roald Dahl. Herr og fru Rev lever et idyllisk liv med deres sønn Ask og den unge nevøen Kristoffersen. Etter mange år i denne rolige tilværelsen begynner herr Rev å kjenne på sine dyriske instinkter, og det tar ikke lang tid før han er tilbake i gamle vaner med å stjele mat på nabogårdene. Ved å gjøre dette setter han ikke bare seg og sin familie i fare, men også alle de andre dyrene i området.


Percy Jackson: Monsterhavet

Percy Jackson: Monsterhavet 2013


Percy Jackson, sønnen til den greske guden poseidon, er sammen med annabeth, grover og de andre halvgudene tilbake i et nytt storslagent og handlingsmettet eventyr. denne gangen trues de av en ukjent fiende, og percy må finne det myteomspunnede, gylne skinnet for at ikke ondskapen skal overta makten. den farlige reisen fører ham og de andre rett ut i det forræderske monsterhavet – det vanlige dødelige kaller bermudatriangelet...


Det magiske landet

Det magiske landet 2006


Azur, en ung franskmann som har vokst opp med fortellinger om en djinn-prinsesse, drar til Nord-Afrika på jakt etter djinnen, bare for å oppdage at hans nære barndomsvenn Asmar, en arabisk ungdom hvis mor har oppdratt begge guttene, også er på jakt etter djinn-prinsessen.


Hungarian Folktales

Hungarian Folktales 1977


Hungarian Folktales is a Hungarian animated series. Each episode is based on a Hungarian folk tale. The creators paid special attention to using Hungarian folk motives in the episodes.


Moby Dick

Moby Dick 2011


The sole survivor of a lost whaling ship relates the tale of his captain's self-destructive obsession to hunt the white whale, Moby Dick.


A Twist in the Tale

A Twist in the Tale 1999


A Twist in the Tale is a 1998 TV series starring William Shatner. Willam Shatner's A Twist In The Tale was a 15 episode short lived television series in the late 1990s. Every week the narrator/host would have a group of children he would tell a story to. The main children were always in the story itself.


Dragons and Princesses

Dragons and Princesses 2010


Dragons and Princesses is a 2010 French computer animation television program written, storyboarded and directed by Michel Ocelot and produced at Studio O for Canal+. It is a fairy tale anthology series of ten further 13-minute episodes in the format established in Ciné si. Five of the episodes are edited, with a feature-exclusive sixth, into the 2011 stereoscopic compilation movie Tales of the Night.


Tales of Exorcism

Tales of Exorcism 2017


The 19-year-old tomboy exorcist Hua Jiu got to know 'evil spirit' Seven Lord and forced him to be her spirit servant when cleansing spirits. Later the human being and the spirit set forth on a journey of ranting each other and cleansing spirits. However, Hua Jiu's enemy started insidious revenge at the same time...


Ciné si

Ciné si 1989


A silhouette animation anthology TV series conceived, written and directed by Michel Ocelot and realised at La Fabrique, consisting of short fantastical stories performed by the same animated "actors." A critical success but commercial failure at the time, no further episodes were commissioned beyond the initial 8, but, following the success of Ocelot's Kirikou and the Sorceress, 6 were edited into the 2000 feature Princes and Princesses, in which form they finally saw wide exposure and acclaim both in France and internationally; a further episode was included in a home release of short works in 2008, but one remains unavailable for public consumption.


Greatest Party Story Ever

Greatest Party Story Ever 2016


Greatest Party Story Ever…And Other Epic Tales showcases peoples’ most outrageous, hilarious, epic tales including everything from debauchery, drunkenness, to even celebrity encounters. The funniest, craziest, most unbelievable stories are brought to life with first-person storytelling & reenacted with their own unique style of animation.