
Titanic 1997


De unge elskende Jack og Rose hvis sosiale status skiller dem ad, men som likevel finner hverandre ombord på jomfruturen til R.M.S Titanic, skipet som ikke kan synke. Men da luksusskipet kollderer med et isfjell i Nord Atlanteren, blir kjærlighetsaffæren snudd om til en dramatisk kamp for å overleve.



2012 2009


Mens verden forbereder seg på en katastrofe av apokalyptiske proporsjoner, kollapser hele byer og kontinenter faller sammen. 2012 fører til verdens undergang, og forteller de overlevendes heroiske kamp.



Geostorm 2017


En rekke store naturkatastrofer truer jorden, og alle verdens ledere går sammen for å skape et nettverk av satellitter som skal beskytte og kontrollere det globale klimaet. Midt oppi dette står skaperen av systemet i vitenskapsmannen Jake som må forhindre at noen misbruker systemet ved å lage gigantiske stormer. Samtidig forsøker noen å ta livet av presidenten, og Jake må sammen med sin bror Max forsøke å redde jorden.


San Andreas

San Andreas 2015


Etter at den beryktede San Andreas forkastningen gir etter, utløses det et jordskjelv med en styrke på 9 i California.


Klodenes kamp

Klodenes kamp 2005


Ray Ferrier er en fraskilt havnearbeider og ikke den beste far i verden. Kort tid etter at hans eks-kone og hennes nye ektemann leverer deres tenåringsønn og unge datter for et sjeldent helgbesøk, kommer et merkelig og kraftig uvær over dem.



Armageddon 1998


Med en hastighet på 35.000 km/t er en gigantisk asteroide på vei til å kollidere med jorden. For å forhindre den totale katastrofe engasjerer NASA-sjefen Dan Truman verdens fremste oljeboringsekspert Harry S. Stamper, den eneste som kan klare oppdraget. Gjennom tolv intensive dager skal han og hans menn trenes til å fungere som astronauter og ikke minst til å redde verden.



Cloverfield 2008


Kvelden før Rob skal reise til Japan, ser han avskjedsfesten sin som en anledning til å innrømme sine egentlige følelser og knytte sammen et par løse tråder. Planen hans tar en uventet vri da en voldsom rystelse forstyrrer festen. Gjestene samler seg for å se nyhetsrapportene om et jordskjelv før de stormer til taket for å vurdere skaden. En ildkule eksploderer i horisonten. Så går strømmen. Forvirringen går over til panikk når festdeltakerne snubler seg gjennom mørklagte ganger og ut på gaten. Blant skrikene fra alle menneskene og et brøl fra et umenneskelig vesen må Rob og vennene hans krysse et landskap som er totalt endret, overtatt av noe utenomjordisk, skrekkinngytende, gigantisk…



Greenland 2020


En familie kjemper for å overleve når en komet raser mot jorden. John Garrity, hans separerte kone Allison og sønnen Nathan begir seg ut på en farefull reise til deres eneste håp om trygghet. Mens flere byer rundt om i verden blir jevnet med jorden fra kometens fragmenter, opplever familien det beste og det verste menneskeheten kan by på, samtidig som de kjemper mot den økende panikken og lovløsheten rundt dem. Når nedtellingen til den globale apokalypsen nærmer seg null, er deres siste sjanse en desperat flytur til en mulig trygg havn.


Apollo 13

Apollo 13 1995


Den sanne historien om de tekniske problemene som umuliggjorde Apollo 13 sin månelanding i 1971, og livene til astronauten Jim Lovell og hans besetning sto på spill. Den mislykkede reisen blir veldig dramatisk da astronautene som er over 300 000 km fra jorden, jobber febrilsk med bakkemannskapene for å avverge en tragedie.


The Mist

The Mist 2007


Etter en brutal storm oppdager innbyggerne i en liten by at det ligger en ondsinnet tåke over husene deres, som tar livet av alle som befinner seg utendørs.



Spy 2015


En skrivebord-bundet CIA analytiker bruker bruker falske identiteter å infiltrere en verden av en dødelig våpenhandler, og hindre global katastrofe.


Don't Look Up

Don't Look Up 2021


To astronomer legger ut på en PR-turné for å advare menneskeheten om en komet som er på kollisjonskurs med jorden, men verden er for opptatt med andre ting til å bry seg.


The Guardian

The Guardian 2006


Tynget av sorg etter en tragisk mislykket redningsaksjon, får den legendariske livredderen Ben Randall et oppdrag han ikke vil ha – å trene opp livredderaspiranter. Snart drønner han sammen med den kjepphøye svømmestjernen Jake Fisher, som drives av en mørk hemmelighet og er mer interessert i å slå Bens livredningsrekord enn selv å redde liv. Men Ben ser samtidig at Jake har det som kreves for å bli den aller beste.


The Hurt Locker

The Hurt Locker 2008


Når en ny sersjant, James, overtar ansvaret for et topptrent bombeteam midt i en blodig konflikt, overrasker han sine to underordnede, Sanborn og Eldridge, ved uvørent å sende dem ut i et dødelig spill i en urban krigssone. James oppfører seg rett og slett som om han ikke er det minste redd for å dø. Mens mennene strever med å kontrollere sin skjødesløse nye leder eksploderer byen i kaos, og James' sanne jeg viser seg snart på en måte som vil forandre hver av mennene for alltid.


The Core

The Core 2003


Jordens indre har sluttet å rotere og det elektromagnetiske feltet som beskytter planeten vår mot stråling er i ferd med å kollapse. Den eneste redningen er å sende en bombe til jordens indre.


Modern Marvels

Modern Marvels 1993


HISTORY’s longest-running series moves to H2. Modern Marvels celebrates the ingenuity, invention and imagination found in the world around us. From commonplace items like ink and coffee to architectural masterpieces and engineering disasters, the hit series goes beyond the basics to provide insight and history into things we wonder about and that impact our lives. This series tells fascinating stories of the doers, the dreamers and sometime-schemers that create everyday items, technological breakthroughs and manmade wonders. The hit series goes deep to explore the leading edge of human inspiration and ambition.


God Eater

God Eater 2015


In the early 2050s, unknown life forms called “Oracle cells” begin their uncontrolled consumption of all life on Earth. Their ravenous appetite and remarkable adaptability earn them first dread, then awe, and finally the name “aragami”. In the face of an enemy completely immune to conventional weapons, urban civilization collapses, and each day humanity is driven further and further toward extinction. One single ray of hope remains for humanity. Following the development of “God Arcs”—living weapons which incorporate Oracle cells—their wielders are organized into an elite force.



Silo 2023


In a ruined and toxic future, thousands live in a giant silo deep underground. After its sheriff breaks a cardinal rule and residents die mysteriously, engineer Juliette starts to uncover shocking secrets and the truth about the silo.



Ultraman 1966


Hayata is a member of the Science Patrol, an organization tasked with investigating bizarre anomalies. He is mortally wounded when accidently encountering an alien being from Land of Light, who grants Hayata new life as the two are merged into one. Now, whenever a threat arises that is too great for the Science Patrol to handle, Hayata activates the beta capsule and becomes the hero known as Ultraman.


Seconds From Disaster

Seconds From Disaster 2005


Seconds from Disaster is a US/UK-produced documentary television programme that investigates historically relevant man-made and natural disasters of the 20th century. Each episode aims to explain a single incidental by analyzing the causes and circumstances that ultimately effected the disaster. The program uses re-enactments, interviews, testimonies, and CGI to analyze the sequence of events second-by-second for the audience. Narrators for the show are Ashton Smith, Richard Vaughan and Peter Guinness.


Tokyo Ghoul

Tokyo Ghoul 2014


Ken Kaneki, a bookworm college student, meets Rize, a girl his own age with whom he shares many interests.


Fairy Gone

Fairy Gone 2019


Once upon a time, fairies were tools of war. The story takes place in a world where fairies possess and dwell in animals, giving them mysterious abilities. By removing the organs of a possessed animal and transplanting them into humans, fairies can be summoned as an alter ego and be used as a weapon. Such individuals who used fairies as war tools were called "Fairy Soldiers." Once the war was over and they completed their roles, the soldiers lost their purpose. Some began working for the government, some joined the mafia, and some even became terrorists, as each chose their own way to live. Nine years have passed since the war. The protagonist Mariya is a new recruit of "Dorothea," an organization which investigates and suppresses fairy-related crimes. Amidst the unstable political situation, criminals with lingering wounds from the war and past conflicts emerge and engage in terrorism as an act of revenge. This is the story of Fairy Soldiers, fighting for their own justice in a chaotic postwar world.


H+: The Digital Series

H+: The Digital Series 2012


H+: The Digital Series is a web series produced by Bryan Singer and created by John Cabrera and Cosimo De Tommaso. The series, which touches on the subject of transhumanism, premiered on August 8, 2012 on YouTube with two episodes. Two new episodes were then released every week on Wednesdays until the season finale on January 16, 2013.



Blood+ 2005


Unable to remember the past, high school senior Saya Otonashi must rediscover her destiny in order to defeat the chiropteran vampires that threaten her loved ones' existence.


JAPAN SINKS: People of Hope

JAPAN SINKS: People of Hope 2021


In 2023 in Tokyo, Prime Minister Eiichi Higashiyama pushes for COMS at the World Environment Conference. COMS is a method to liquify pollutants and store it in the crack of the sea floor. Prime Minister Eiichi Higashiyama gathers young and talented bureaucrats and launches Japan Future Promotion Conference, which is to benefit the future of Japan. Keishi Amami of the Ministry of the Environment and Kōichi Tokiwa of the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry are members of that conference.


Aftershock: Earthquake in New York

Aftershock: Earthquake in New York 1999


Without warning, an earthquake rips through the "City That Never Sleeps," turning it into a vulnerable state of chaos: skyscrapers topple, subways are buried in the rubble, countless lives are lost and loved ones are torn apart. As turmoil reigns in the screaming streets, Mayor Bruce Lincoln and former Fire Chief Thomas Ahearn race against time to enact a city-wide emergency plan.



Dr. STONE 2019


One fateful day, all of humanity was petrified by a blinding flash of light. After several millennia, high schooler Taiju awakens and finds himself lost in a world of statues. However, he's not alone! His science-loving friend Senku's been up and running for a few months and he's got a grand plan in mind, to kickstart civilization with the power of science!



Delete 2013


Delete imagines a disaster in our all-too-fragile digital world where all computers could become dangerously self-aware with one systematic purpose–to destroy mankind. Faced with possible extinction, there is only one way out–create a second artificial intelligence, just as alive, just as intelligent and just as dangerous.


Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash

Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash 2016


Fear, survival, instinct. Thrown into a foreign land with nothing but hazy memories and the knowledge of their name, they can feel only these three emotions resonating deep within their souls. A group of strangers is given no other choice than to accept the only paying job in this game-like world—the role of a soldier in the Reserve Army—and eliminate anything that threatens the peace in their new world, Grimgar. When all of the stronger candidates join together, those left behind must create a party together to survive: Manato, a charismatic leader and priest; Haruhiro, a nervous thief; Yume, a cheerful hunter; Shihoru, a shy mage; Mogzo, a kind warrior; and Ranta, a rowdy dark knight. Despite its resemblance to one, this is no game—there are no redos or respawns; it is kill or be killed. It is now up to this ragtag group of unlikely fighters to survive together in a world where life and death are separated only by a fine line.


Ultramarine Magmell

Ultramarine Magmell 2019


One day in the middle of the pacific ocean a miracle occurred, a new continent appeared out of nowhere! The new continent was the home for new and mysterious plants, creatures and minerals! Humanity is excited as the age of exploration has returned.


Japan Sinks: 2020

Japan Sinks: 2020 2020


After catastrophic earthquakes devastate Japan, one family's resolve is tested on a journey of survival through the sinking archipelago.


The Stand

The Stand 1994


After a deadly plague kills most of the world’s population, the remaining survivors split into two groups - one led by a benevolent elder and the other by a maleficent being - to face each other in a final battle between good and evil.



Gate 2015


Off-duty Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) officer and otaku, Youji Itami, is on his way to attend a doujin convention in Ginza, Tokyo when a mysterious portal in the shape of a large gate suddenly appears. From this gate, supernatural creatures and warriors clad in medieval armor emerge, charging through the city, killing and destroying everything in their path. With swift actions, Youji saves as many lives as he can while the rest of the JSDF direct their efforts towards stopping the invasion. Three months after the attack, Youji has been tasked with leading a special recon team, as part of a JSDF task force, that will be sent to the world beyond the gate—now being referred to as the "Special Region." They must travel into this unknown world in order to learn more about what they are dealing with and attempt to befriend the locals in hopes of creating peaceful ties with the ruling empire.



D-Day 2015


When a natural disaster strikes Seoul, a team of medical doctors and emergency personnel struggle to deal with its aftermath.


Vinland Saga

Vinland Saga 2019


For a thousand years, the Vikings have made quite a name and reputation for themselves as the strongest families with a thirst for violence. Thorfinn, the son of one of the Vikings' greatest warriors, spends his boyhood in a battlefield enhancing his skills in his adventure to redeem his most-desired revenge after his father was murdered.